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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. after beating ep 16 i went on the hunt formum and got em all in alphabetic order
  2. Was ditto moved in ep 18? i cant find him in the pokemon puzzle where u beat mukpulse!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Abyssreaper99


      I think Ditto is moved to seventh street once you beat PULSE Muk. If you didn't get it before the PULSE battle then it's a long wait.

    3. Vlad


      there was not ditto in any of the cages folks im asking if someone know if they changed the event cuz in ep 17 he was defenitly there, yea someone on the forum told that the event was cancelled and u can only get him from 7 street but they are rumors like anyone dosent know how to trigger the ditto event if there is stiil one 

    4. Abyssreaper99


      Have you tried moving the makuhita to the double-tiered cage? Maybe doing that will make it appear. I checked and the ditto event is still there. Did you do the daycare quest by any chance? If not then that's why it might not be appearing.

  3. Vlad

    azurill? sea incense?

    a guy replied and alredy traded me the mon sry for wasting ur time i apreciate thx
  4. Vlad

    azurill? sea incense?

    your pick miss i got plenty of mons. tell me when we are ready, we re going to use the online feature?
  5. Vlad

    azurill? sea incense?

    well yea i need the mon not the item, i can wait there is no problem. u need stuff in return?
  6. can't we find a sea incense post reborn restoration? i have 730 mons
  7. can't we find a sea incense post reborn restoration? i have 730 mons 😞

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BIGJRA


      it went through, so just follow through and we did it!

    3. Vlad


      something went wrong not sure

      im waiting again


    4. BIGJRA


      try re-requesting a trade with BIGJRA again

  8. where do we trade the 3 dark material for the chance to get deino?
  9. if i dont have that exactly glameow i cant have it whitout a trade?!
  10. probably well have a hunter x hunter or berserk relese before ep 17
  11. After a very long time grinding and hatching mons i got myself a very nice box of mons, all shiny and whit almost perfect iv,ev, im proud of wasting my time in such a good way still need to lvl up some guyz but thats the easy part capture006.bmp
  12. well since we're talking about nice mons i can trade u dratini for a gible, sounds fair enough
  13. So first of all i wanna thank all for the trades we make, and since im almost done whit all the mon aviable i would love if someone help me thoug the last 100 meters whit the few following mons i miss, tentacool, snivi, oshawoot, frillish and vulubay, i can make u any hp mon u need or any mon that is aviable in game except for the one im looking for. Thx for the trades friends.
  14. do anyone know if the ep 12 dl that is in thie topic si still working? i did dl it 2 times but both of time when i try to unrar it it say error ...
  15. if anyone can help me some of the following mons i can breed u perfect iv mon whit no problems pokemon i need 1gen: Tentacool\ 3gen: Treeko 5gen: snivy\oshawott Vullaby\Larvesta\ 6gen: Froakie\Helioptile\ i have all others mons that are aviable in the dex i miss only the few i tiped pm me for what u need. i dont care for good iv or egg moves, a newly hatced one suits me perfectly
  16. trade

    1. Arkhi


      Use the Search Bar, located above your Member Info on the left-hand menu.

  17. I was young and mistakes were made, i can now only pray to the stargate and the cosmos moderetor to help me bring some of the pokemon i did not catch and i did not know were one of a kind, i pray to the stars to bring me a solrock and i pray to the god of bacon to send me a spoink, that was all i needed until the disaster, a suddently crit on absol take him down and i cannot explain how awful is to live in a place whitout disaster. So again i pray Shenron to bring back to life this poor things but i do not have the dragon balls, i can offer a shiny magmar or shiny geudude or shiny roggenrola or any other pokemons that are aviable untill ep 15, event mons i have are togepy axew in the worst scenario i have to offer one of my 2 jedy (special lucario shiny or phisical lucario shiny, both perfect iv ev nature) may the star answer cuz i am in need and i have no other choise if not beg the comunity!
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