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Everything posted by Vlad
Pokemon Reborn: Ask Your Questions: Quests, Pokemon/Item Locations, and Other Information
Vlad replied to The Fush's question in On the Hunt
hey where i can get vulpix ep 15? cant find him -
guyz u know where vulpix as been replaced? u get the little lion mon in the undergrond now, did u find out the new location?
Hy dude! I m not a "competitive player" but if u wanna read what i have to tell it might help you. First of all i like all out att pokemon, dont know why, and i dont think moves like stealth rock or stiky web are that use full (except for doble battleds) the only pseudo in game is metagross, which is "not bad at all" then we have a few dragons, tyruturm(t-rex) Who can learn dragon dance by breading and kingdra, (not sure of still there in ep 13) then i have an alakazam couse is soo op IMO and gyrados too(but not aviable now) Then litwick is my favorite poke, and i did bread on him energy ball, flamethrower too, but got the tm at charlotte so kinda wasted time, i like pangoro over the majoriti of fight pokes, he is just an awsome"Ass."breaker, i do have an electrivire as well but once more, he got "removed" gengar is there too but... Naahh way more cooler is chandelDUDE, Since i ended ep 13 some time ago i had some time for funny stuff like a trick room team, Who is taking SHAPE at the moment,( just started to hatch some eggs....) i think the strategy is kinda inportant too but there was nothing i couldnt sweep whit an attakers team only...
Is snorlax, munchlax aviable again?
I totaly know it, btw i found him by myself, was easier than dragon scale horsea but i did bread horsea for ice beam back in ep 12 Btw the List is not update, or is just a way to trick us? Neather is the location guide v2, we must "do it youself" we do have pleanty of time before next release, don't we? I've merged your two posts. Please use the edit button at the bottom of your post rather than double posting in the future. Sheep.
Is that scum still going for a grass team? I think he betrayed his friend and his poke as well couz im expeting to see a more strong and balanced team, hexors for exemple as nothing to di in his grass team, but since we battled in aya gym he wasn t full grass anymore. Waiting to go behind them and reape them all in next episode, Also wanna see the new mega pulse form, but i think i might see them sooner if i restart the game
Hy dude i'm not sure where u are in game but go find yourself ralts (new event) u will need more then a lumineon for charlotte, go find the salyer of trees,ABBBBBBBK, if u know what i mean, flygon would be much better than noibern, and a marshtomp would ne awsome for your team, Also u should have some link stone, go pick a trade evolution poke (the one u like the most,all from gen 1 aviable) if u need to replace rapidash, later on, you should pick litwick Who is aviable near streat 7, if ure willing to di some hard training stuff u souls breed those pokes for better moves and IV, but i suggest u to do so in ep 12 couse is still gen 5 so u can breed tm moves on them,
Mirror Mirror on the wall...Who's the frostiest one of all?
Vlad replied to SnowGlaceon's topic in Welcome Center
Hy frosty, i think im kinda "cold" myself, not frosted but neather warm, my homeland (Romania) is a really cold place and i grew up near by a mountain, so yea that's kinda freazing tempratures, I can understend why u dont drink too much coffe, (ever tried it warm btw?) here lot of people alredy have insomnia coffe too would be op. A WARM welcome to reborn server, and try to not mealt on the long journey i have in front. -
Hy Valiant, im new user my self on the forum and i just like to post here and there, reborn is i feed one of coolest pkmn games this days, and the comunity is a nice place, you'll find out
I got my name from my parents lol, the one u all see right know, the etimology would be.... Who cares lol, i must find out my oroscope!
Hy mates! Quite excited for the new ep, w8 no im not anymore couse it ended so quickly, Btw dose anyone Tried to old rood for feebas? The prism scale is aviable for sale so in kinda sure we can find that ugly fish somewhere, Tried a lot of spots but nothing yet, going to see if he hide in the "aquarium" next, Who know, if we could help each other whit reaserches it would ne helpfull, for me, for US! Done the apho... Beach and nothing, the spots in chrisolya forest, still nothing, am i missing some lake's?
When i reached the 9# floor of dp store i talked to the guy in the corner and i took one BIG lough! "I worked really hard to get up here becouse my friend told me they where getting stoned here... Clearly i missunderstood" HAHAHAHAHAHA U need to reach Penthouse if u need more oddish weed Or go in 7 street so u can "level up" ahahaha
Thx i'll try but i might be able too see it i could even move the save around? I sent a pm to the guy Who is in charge to do this "trades" i do have to file in the format .exe and yes is "invisible" of i put it on, dont know like pdf. Format do u know a free site where i can upload it? And then Give the link to that guy, whit the explanation of how i did it, he should do the same and covert the file twice (in .exe and than again in .pdf or whatewher format iPhone supp) ill search the net for the best format file then will not bug the file itself. Thx have some reaserches to do Btw i love doing this triky stuff on pc/ios and i hate android couse is way more easy to do the same things on galaxy's
I went along a lot of shinys poke, and thay re all so dark, seems that shiny means diversification for pokes, but if all are different in the same way how they could be different? I had an awsome shiny tauros, whit grean and gold on him, he was for sure the mascot of the brazialns and he look ed wery handsome, now i see him in my box and he is a damn zombie emo tauros, same for my Messiah Who was sparklig hope and light but now he seems more a corrupted version of what he was... Btw i rally like the rapidash colours, couse he is the only one whit some colors left, and the shiny wenusar i have? Its looks like a zombie plant from the game In not willing to teach u how is done couse i cant even use Photoshop to male a Photo brighter but still... They all look so depress,maybe shiny are discriminated in reborn?
Hy all sorry if I post on the wrong section but i dont know where else to go... First of all, i dont have internet acess to my pc, so i use my iPhone for tiping on forum, dl the game and stuff, is preatty easy since i dl them and then once i bound the phone to the pc just nove them. The problem is the next, if i need to trade one thing whit Someone else, in the trade toopic whit the help of some senior members, i dont know how to go in the directory where i stored the game.exe saved file, and even if i save it somewhere where i can see it i cannot copy paste or moove on the forum or the evry Storage unit in the net, like i do whit Photos or else, some advice? Is that possible or i must forget to trade my breaded togepi whit a breaded froakie? Thx for the help Sorry if i I posted on the wrong place.
Damn, of all the toopics i found this is the most usless ever ( for game reason of course, it might help if you' re looking for your "twinsoul" the only problem is that he or she is mile away from you and right now if im going to sleep im sure Someone else is drinking a coffe I'll found out how to put am image of me in my wonderful italian car https://imageshack.com/i/kn5T3Jwpj Not sure of it work btw in 2 of the 3 Photos is me and in the 3# is my doughter whit her 2 freinds
Name: Flageronte; tipe ghost dark; ability levitate. Statas: hp 70 att 30 def 80 SAtt 50 Sdef 80 spd 100 (410) Moves: mean look, curse, shadow punch, theif, shadow ball, hex, pursuit, dark pulse, Tm/Hm ??? To lazy Egg moves: cannot breead, genderless Story: this pokemon is mean to be the guardian of hell, making sure the lost souls of humans to not try escape before facing the sentence for the sin done in theyre lifes. He might be found in giratina reverse world, only if the player "faints" whit a poke that have the move frustration in team. Acheronte; the evolution, tipe ghost ground, ability magic guard ( shedninja) He evolve from Flageronte only after lvl 50 and only if his happinnes is under 50 and if he had been 1HKO in the last fight. Stats: hp 1 att 129 def 10 SAtt 139 Sdef 10 spd 121 ( 410) Moves: same as Flageronte + rock tomb, earthquake, pain split, false swipe, agility, nasty plot, perish song(Curse dose not kill xin) Story: the brave humans Who Tried to escape from Flageronte had failed, now theyre souls are damned to spend an eternity whit one anger version of the hell guardian, Acheronte is the master of pain and his only way of entertaining is to hurt him self ( since he no longer feel the pain) and connect whit the doomed human to hear his screams, nobady know why and when Acheronte sing's but is the last thing an human might hear. I know this poke might ne a little op but... Just Made him for the story i had...
I got that litwick moves, waiting for good IV, i actualy noticed that there is a forum for trade so i might be abile to get a froakie, not bad at all, And btw u think is easy theach smargle ice beam? Im not sure how (or where) to do this lol Maybe ill breead bulbasaur but i like more rosenrade, that azumerill IS huge never had one and never know the hidden ability, is like the medichan's one. I only might dream of giving one of those ability to gallade or something really BIG.
Hy people, im willing to compleate the pokedex so i need the the starters that are not in event for trade, i started whit torchick, have most of pokes aviable till now so i can breed for u, thay already tell what they are so just ask what youre looking for, can teach some egg moves if i are lazy ( anyone know how to do it just look on the forum) Btw have lot of gastly whit sludge veawe and thunderbolt or togepi whit facade and nasty plot Tyrunt whit ice fang and dragon dance and more just ask for it
First of all, Thx for the suggestions. I never played whit trick room or stiky web or spikes couse i never played on competitive levels so for me that stuff was usless, but it looks like reborn is more competitive than i tough. Honestly i got that umbreon couz i have no poke for stall and an earlyer toge was trained to baton pass nasty plot acient power for set up but umbreon fill the role better, to me sylveon looks like dressed cat and i really disapprove that ( dont know why, no need for a specific reason) Also i would like one more water poke but... I could get on of the 2 starters i have in my box ( pinplup or mudkip) but i heared kingdra will be unleashed soon, will found out, got a mamoswine whit ice spear and earthquake but once again i dislike a lot the back sprite ( whit tha fat legs lol) im not sure yet if go whit gastly or breead litwick for energy ball, or i can even whitdrow that nice budew i have in the box since the early game, Onestly i would love a feebas but Who know... Gogoat is kinda nice ill think of it, must check his moovepool (never played 6 gen) i Also have a zorua but whit no tm his moovepool is so limitaded, i kinda never use bliziken, only for early game, never had a starter when i challenged the league in previus version (except for charizard in pokemon gold i was 12/13 and that poke was the only one high lvl) next time ill see banette ill bully him and set fire to all his pokes that are note on fire alredy and take the remaining one After ill clear ep 13 ( like 12 hours after publication) ill start breeding again for more moves and betters IV( that is really frustating)
My metagross is: Quadcore Electravire is: Lt.Marshall Gardevoir is: Alisa Togekiss is: Lady luck Gyrados is : Apocalipto Umbreon is : Black Block Tyrunturm is : Ares Alakazam is : Tinker Got the inspiration this run
Hy all, im a new member, found some time for registraton after grindig, breeding, and varius explorations. My current team is: Umbreon lvl 67 calm 255 def eV (crustles!) Syncronize Curse subistitute moonlight baton pass Tyrantrum 67 adamant Max att possible! Rock head Dragon claw earthquake dragon dance head smash Electravire 70 adamant 255 eV 30 spd and att IV Motor drive Thunder punch brick break giga impact strenght Togekiss 69 modest not yet iill eV trained good IV Serene grace Air slash acient power nasty plot aura sphere Gyrados 70 adamant full att Moxie Ice fang Aqua tail dragon dance bounce (Killed 5 poke at last gym battle) Metagross 70 adamant full att (almost) Clear body Agility zen headbutt meteor mash hammer arm In rotation got more awsome pokes Amphadros modest static lvl 60 good IV eV Signal beam dragon pulse power gem discharge Gardevoir modest full sAtt syncronize Shadow ball moonblast calm mind psychic Blaiziken 66 adamant bad IV couse couldnt see them earlyer... Bulk up brave bordo HJK flare blitz Alakazam 68 (traded) modest full sAtt good spd Inner focus. shadow ball calm mind psychic flash (I like more gardevoir to be onest) Lucario lvl 53( breeaded non the treaded one) Full att IV justified Bone rush extreme speed sword dance close combat Got a gastly whit sludge bomb and thunder bolt but lvl 1 and only sp att IV is good Is there any other awsome pokes that i didnt found? Traded the herring but alredy got 2 electric pokes...have the trapinch and a mamoswine but the t-rex is the best option in my mind have a magby but no item for him to evolve. Hope the next gim leader will be overpowered so i can see what my team can really do, what is youre "dream team" shall i train one of the 2 ghosts? Thx for any suggestion or reply ill get!
After the new updates could it be that we can found 2 dusk stone? I had found 5 link stone in total but 1 dusk only
Are we going to see any "battle tower" or maison or anithing like battle park? Just wanna test te true potential of my super trainer team, last gym leader went out whit 2 poke only....