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    and PB&Js. Those are nice.
  1. N's Castle Bridge is amazing I think its called majesty in the soundfiles or something like that
  2. Quick question: Is the only way to get horde battles through sweet scent and honey or can you find them through normal encounters?
  3. All right, thanks everybody! I'll try out Barbaracle
  4. Hey, does anybody know what a good water-type replacement would be for Gyarados? As much as I love the thing, at this point it's sweeping every battle almost single-handedly and pretty much is just way too OP to use while having fun in the game. I was thinking maybe Swampert or Azumarill, but I'd like to hear other people's opinions as well.
  5. In-game Ame is secretly watching your every move and laughing sadistically at your every mistake and failure
  6. Sinister Uprising and Majesty are personally my two favorites
  7. I like Ame's old ideas from that fake episode release: "In order to make the game more challenging, Nuzlocke mode is now being forced. Fainted Pokemon will be deleted permanently" "Upon each Pokemon's or character's death a sound file will usurp the background music. It contains a recording of Amethyst's maniacal and sadistic laughter. It will loop infinitely. Even after the game has been closed." Also change Charlotte's gym by giving Ninetales Strong Sunlight (like the new groudon) and give all the rest of her pokemon flash fire, while making her field change all attacks into fire attacks
  8. Hardest for me was the old Shade because I really had no way to deal with his Gengar and it basically tore me to pieces waaay too many times to count. Easiest ones for me were probably Samson and doubles Radomus in that I didn't have to prepare for them in any way and beat them on my first try. Really, Gyarados with Bounce completely DESTROYED Samson, and Moxie Earthquakes and Crunches by Krookodile along with Gyarados sweep Radomus in about a minute. In all reality though the game becomes a lot easier if you use Gyarados
  9. Personally I had no idea that the battle was a double battle so I ended up leading with a Krookodile and a Magnezone. Not one of the better strategies out there... By the 2nd battle though I led with Gyarados and Krookodile and used the oh-so-original Rain Dance. I was planning on spamming Earthquake with Moxie boosts to win, but Solarbeam was an OHKO before the rain was set up. It didn't really matter in the end though because rain-boosted Aqua Tail took out everything in a single hit, even the Rotom
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