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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Leon1337Assassin

  1. haha snorlax. Thank you very much EDIT : AND ITS SHINY WOW
  2. oooo nice. I'm ready whenever Edit : RIP still looking
  3. Never played USUM so I wanted to try it out earlier than intended. It's also very cute.
  5. I accidentally traded mine off in the wonder trade....
  6. I missed a lot of the sidequests just because I would be completing the story. Is there a post containing all the info for the quests available so far?
  7. I would gladly put down my Tyrantrum for that Axew egg. Haxorus is just 2 k00l Ugh I'm guessing we don't have the badge for rock climb yet tho
  8. Ahhh shinies are more common huh? Damn i knew it was too good to be true lol. I didn't think of that since that was like the 1st shiny i've seen. Oh well absol looks hella nice i'll be replacing Pangoro with him and revamping my other pokes
  9. Cause if so that is miiiighty generous of the devs
  10. Hahaahahaa wow I meant the library. Thanks bro
  11. I looked through Beryl City and I can't find it...unless it's in the forest with all the pulse machines. Anyone know?
  12. Yes, an hour of gameplay is definitely short in terms of "playing" it :/ Ah I see, yeah i started in ep 12 so I'm unfamiliar to the update durations Yeah that's probably what it is lol
  13. Damn really? Are the episodes normally this short? I actually started playing reborn on episode 12 so I didn't know that But yeah I enjoyed reborn regardless. I actually prefer reborn to the official pokemon games...I don't feel like a 12 year old playing this lol
  14. Yeah this is a problem I'm currently experiencing
  15. Tyrantrum's 4x resistance to fire and strong offensive stats / movepool made this gym the easiest for me tbh
  16. Now don't get me wrong, it brung a lot of great stuff. Reduced lag, more pokes (Walrein <3) basically a good update...i just really wish it was longer lol. I read a lot on the forums on how everyone's had trouble with charlotte but I had a Tyrantrum so it was pretty easy for me. Overall this episode was like an hour long maybe 2 for me. So yeah great update and all but really wish it was a bit longer
  17. I'm HOPING Spheal will be in the next episode....I would love a Walrein right about now...
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