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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dar

  1. Still on the third gym, so I'll just say Florinia was the easiest. Just spam fury cutter and hope you're faster.
  2. faking sick is fun

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Faking sick is fun when your 13, not when you're 22 and meeting with recruiters for potential jobs.

    2. Simon


      Not really as you'll have to make up work if there was any.

  3. So, I think it's time to start getting serious about my team. Up until now, I've been using a small team of 5-6 Pokemon that have done well, but I need to start forming a team to swap them out with from time to time. And I need advice on what Pokemon to put in there, and what moves to give them.. Note that I tend to get attached to my team and would still like to keep my current members in the rotation, and that I only have 5 at the moment because my Ekans wasn't doing well and I needed to hatch Ducklett. Quilladin Ability: Overgrow Pin Missle Bite Needle Arm Rollout Litleo Ability: Unnerve Fire Fang Work Up Headbutt Take Down Teddiursa Ability: Pickup Baby-Doll Eyes Fury Swipes Feint Attack Lick (Probably has the worst moveset in the team right now, but she pulls her own weight) Woobat Ability: Unaware Air Cutter Attract Heart Stamp Assurance Kricketune Ability: Swarm Fury Cutter Sing Cut (I know, HMs are bad, but I needed one to progress back when I had a full team) X-Scissor PC 'mons: Cherubi. Pachirisu, Budew, Whismur, Panpor, Igglybuff, Swirlix, Poochyena, Glameow, Zigzagoon, Lillipup, Ekans, Ducklett, Vivillion, Drifloon, Azurill So, any Pokemon recommendations? Also, I think I can get Emolga now, so if anyone can tell me where to get that, that would be great.
  4. A friend has been trying to get me to read/watch that, how is it?
  5. I just started playing Hearthstone today and I'm already an addict

  6. I'm glad to see this wonderfrou Pokemon getting some recognition.
  7. I'm an only child, and my parents divorced when I was very young (I can't remember what it's like two have two parents in the same house) so I can't say I've been through many of these things. However I still can understand. Whenever I talk about one parent to the other I can sense this sort of underlying hate.
  8. I got INFP. 69% Introverted (lol 69 yeah I can see that) 32% Intuitive (Yup, going good so far) 7% Feeling (I imagine myself fairly neutral in this area, so that seems about right) 26% Prospecting (Probably the only thing I disagree with) 13% Turbulent (I imagined this would be higher ) Edit: Also, I share a personality type with DonnyTheElf, Tom Hiddleston, and Frodo Baggins. Aw yiss.
  9. To be honest, I'd just play through the game. The team that gets you to the end may surprise you.
  10. You know, gen 1 had a lot of poison types. Like, more than the rest of the regions combined. On that note, we need more poison types.

    1. Meruem


      gamefreak currently: FAIRIESSSSS DESU~!

    2. HolyKnight


      A poison/fairy Pokemon will be awesome

  11. I usually name my Pokemon people names, but there are a few names I set aside for certain Pokemon. The Seven Sins: Venusaur - Sloth Golbat - Greed Ekans - Wrath Nidoking - Pride Tentacruel - Lust (If you know about hentai, you know why...) Beedrill - Envy Muk - Gluttony These are a tribute to the time I did a Poison monotype of Leafgreen, which is one of my favorite playthroughs of a Pokemon game to date, and it's how I met one of my favorite Pokemon, Beedrill (I seem to have a thing for bug types) Other names: Squirtle - Lt. Squirt (Like Lt. Surge... but water type) Cubone - Lukas/Luna, depending on gender (from one RP where I had a cubone) Latias - Ruby (from one RP where I had a Latias) Female Raichu/Shuppet - Richie (This one is homage to an old internet friend who very likely killed herself. Raichu and Shuppet were two of her favorite Pokemon.)
  12. Am I the only person who likes a lot of death in storytelling...? Yes? I'll go back to my corner then.
  13. We all know Pokemon Zeta/Omicron pales in comparison to Reborn. But it's the first Pokemon game where I don't have to learn how to use ROMs to use nothing but a Shuppet, and I'm happy about that

    1. ReddestDream


      Suze has said that Insurgence (the next game after Z/O) will have "actual challenging and strategic gameplay" . . .


    2. Dar


      Oh, really? I'll be sure to check it out when the beta is released.

    3. CoolTrainerGary


      If you look in the reddit you'll see that I asked him to include competitive movesets

  14. Around three years ago, I joined a Pokemon forum known as the Cave of Dragonflies. I had a godawful username, but once I found out I could change it, I switched to DarkKoala. And everyone started calling me Dar because who wants to write out a full username every time. Eventually I got so used to the name to the point that if someone called me that in real life I would likely respond. Also apparently Dar means "to give" in Spanish which I find ironic
  15. I've concluded reborn is too difficult for me to ever Nuzlocke it. gg

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Notus


      Yeah, it is probably the nuzlocke hell. XD Example, I had to try 7 times to get through Serra.

    3. Hellyam


      You think Nuzlockes are hard? Try egglockes and tell me if Huzlockes seem easier then.

    4. Etesian


      Well, try a Monotype then! It's still tough, but more manageable than a Nuzlocke (I think, never did a NL)

  16. Let me read through them when I can, and I'll get back to you on that.
  17. So after getting sweeped by Taka the third time, I caught my first shiny. A Scatterbug. Woo.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dar


      Don't get the joke... i assume it has to do with Vivilion's shiny color. Also is it weird that the first name I thought of was Cyanide

    3. Dar


      just evolved it, definitely Satan

    4. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      It looks awesome! ^^

  18. I never knew a chatot could sweep my entire team

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rawr-Ma-Ama
    3. ReddestDream


      And then I pulled out Loudred with SoundProof. . . ^_^

    4. Yazmat


      Usually it goes like this: "Chatot huh? This thing must suck, because nobody use it"

  19. "The latest hit from My Chemical Rotom, Desolation Mow!"
  20. Character Name: Alicia Mirrik Gender: Female Age: 14 Ability of the character: Pyrokinesis. She is capable of igniting surfaces, under a few conditions. The first being that she isn't calm. She can be feeling anything serious ranging from anxiety to fury, however if she's too calm she will fail to do anything. The second is that it has to be on any naturally ignitable surface, such as wood or clothing. Trying to start a fire on stone won't do anything. Note that she is terrified of her power and will try to do anything to suppress it. Appearance: Alicia is of average height for a girl her age, coupled with short, auburn hair, as well as green eyes. She's rather thin, barely weighing a hundred pounds. She usually wears a basic purple T-shirt as well as a pair of torn jeans (I mean, when you're on the run you can't really be a fashionista) Personality: Alicia is short tempered and is quick to start complaining. She tends to be pessimistic and always expects the worst possible outcome to occur. However she is very caring when someone is hurt (especially when she hurt them) and tries to help them, though often to no avail. Overall she works well with others but prefers to be alone. Background: "Mom, why won't you let me go?" I was having another argument with my mother. Just one of many. "I told you a million times, I don't want you leaving the house this late!" I only sort of remember what caused it, but it was probably a stupid reason, most of the fights were. "I'll only be gone an hour or so, then I'll head straight back home!" "How can I trust you do stay true to your word?" The argument went on for another ten minutes or so. That's when it first happened. "I hate you!" It was all very sudden. I yelled at her, turned my back, and I heard a scream. I turned back, and she had erupted into flames. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911. Later than day, while I was waiting in the hospital, two men in black suits approached me. "Are you Alicia Meerik?" I nodded. "It's Mer-rick." The man frowned a bit, but the second one spoke up. "We'll need you to come with us." I shook my head, "Not until I make sure my mother is okay." "Your mother will be fine. Come with us." He grabbed my arm. "Wait, don't-" I began to say, but I was soon being pulled out the door. "Don't I have a say in this?" I argued. The men remained silent. I began pulling away from them. "Let me go!" I heard another scream and my arm was released. The man in black was on fire. His partner stood in shock for a moment but began to draw his weapon. I ran. I ran out of the room, out of the hospital, as far away as I could get until I had to stop. I knew I wasn't normal. Other Comments: Looking at it, this is one of the youngest characters in the group. Fun. Also, i notice the writing style for the background was a bit different that other people's, I'll try to use a similar style as others when/if I'm accepted into the RP.
  21. Ah, thanks. Should I make my app now or when the chapter ends?
  22. I apologize if this is answered somewhere, but are new applicants still being accepted?
  23. I enjoyed the game, however the only outstanding features were the custom moves and built-in challenge modes (such as Nuzlocke and Randomizer).
  24. These games look amazing... Not sure which I'm going to get, probably Sapphire, since I prefer Kyogre to Groudon... Unless Ruby has Latias. Love Latias so much.
  25. Around 12-15, it's just that most of my Pokemon can't take more than two Sonicbooms, which is my main issue. Thanks, this'll help!
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