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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. I'm super surprised that battle didn't have much (or any if you don't count meow) losses. Thought Rotom would've barely survived that crunch and turn the field back to short circuit
  2. Yeah, his RNG is no joke, but I can definitely see him getting wiped at Shade. Maaaaaaaybe he could win if he gets some good encounters, but I'd imagine he'd lose some mons even if he does pull a win.
  3. RIP Tiki. Things could've went soooo much worse if the confusion played more in Shelly's favor. For me, Shelly is usually not particularly easy, but not really difficult. Pretty much middle ground for me
  4. Not gonna lie, was laughing the whole time thinking about how gust could've easily wiped the field effect out. Really surprised he didn't lose anyone, give me some of that luck >>'' Anyway, can't wait to see how things turn out for the next gym
  5. *just casually forgetting that Valentine's Day is a thing*

  6. 124 last time I was here, we were in the 80s. good to see were past 100 again ^^
  7. Driving my new car while listening to deja vu feels good

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      And when you're doing that again you can say you have a Deja vu

  8. Never thought I'd upload a video in my entire life. But I really liked how this finished...even though I was playing kinda sloppy.



  9. Blood Moon skins AND a blood moon themed rift, awesome <3
  10. I think it's official, I'm obsessed with playing as Vergil

  11. oh god yes, finally getting a Jhin skin <3
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