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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 13 Oh god, now on this attempt to getting to 2000, Jericho can actually stop us XD.
  2. tfw your top laner asks for a gank when he pushed the enemy laner at tower and dies and gets mad at you for not ganking ._.''
  3. 1869 There were 3 roaming pokemon you can in X/Y (although you can only get one of them). It depends on which starter you picked. If you picked froakie, you get to catch moltres, if you picked fennekin, you get zapdos, and lastly chespin for articuno. Its a bit weird though. You have to just run into multiple times until they settle down in a certain spot and that's when you can actually catch them. I didn't bother much with that because I already had a moltres of my own so I just ran into it occasionally while doing other things and checked the pokedex after every accidental encounter.
  4. 1866 Yeah, would be a pain to go around looking for latios again. That reminds me of the time I first ran into Latios in the original Ruby very shortly after beating Elite 4 and Steven. I just flew to slateport right after and went up into the tall grass just destroy a low level pokemon with my level 60 (somewhere around that level) Blaziken and then he was the first one to appear, and I accidentally one shot him with sky uppercut >.>
  5. 1864 I don't like Landorus, Tornadus, and Thundurus. Especially Thundurus. The trio just annoys me competitive wise, and from the experience of getting them, well, not so much of Landorus, and Tornadus compared to Thundurus.
  6. 1862 Terakion is my least favorite of the trio. Its like #2 on my list of evil legendary pokemon because it was like the bane of my existence. In the Battle Institute in Y that thing was always there to end me. If your wondering whats #1, its Thundurus. For not getting in the ball and running away at 1 HP while being paralyzed for about half a year. Also, for some reason I just didn't feel like getting the last mystery dungeon game
  7. 1860 I need to get musketeer trio, well, the last one, which is cobalion. I want a shiny cobalion though
  8. 1856 Do you like waffles? Yeah we like waffles! Do you like pancakes? Yeah we like pancakes! Do you like french toast? Yeah we like french toast! Do Do Do Do, CAN'T WAIT TO GET A MOUTHFUL, WAFFLES!
  9. 1854 oh god the song is stuck in my head. Every time I hear it will get stuck in my head for the rest of the day XD
  10. 1852 WE MUST NOT FALTER, AND KEEP GOING TO 2000! @Azery: Do you like waffles?
  11. 1848 Just realized we were starting to mess up the numbers XD Also, I should really start collecting more flags, just went over to your base Dark. You have so many flags, I'm only at 32 atm XD
  12. 1485 I had so much fun catching the Regis, especially Regirock, I almost ran out of ultra balls on him. Although that was mostly my bad because I forgot to buy more before I tried to catch it
  13. 1843 aw shucks, it was nothin ^^ and yay for adamant taillow, better than a special attacking taillow
  14. 1839 yea, I don't have it, could've sworn I did
  15. 1835 I got dusknoir and rypherior (not exactly sure on rypherior, I need to check for that, could've sworn I've had one)
  16. 1832 oh right, forgot about huntail and gorebyss >>''
  17. 1826 oops, sorry, didn't read the post until now ^^'' and I don't have either delcatty and wigglytuff atm Edit: nvm, I think I have wigglytuff, I'll double check for delcatty
  18. 1820 I like waffles, pancakes, and french toast >: D but usually I just have some cinnamon toast crunch for breakfast lol
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