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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. Every time I think of Blade Wolf, I think of this
  2. 816 reality sucks, well, the college part of it that is also, can I tell a quick story? So I was doing some dex nav chaining for a shiny ralts (male one to be more specific cause shiny mega gallade is awesome). After two hours surprisingly I finally got a shiny ralts......but it was female and adamant with the worst Sp. Atk IVs in existence ._.'' I knew I wasn't going to get the best outcome, but getting the worst is something I really didn't want ;_;
  3. 813 Its good to be back home ^^ ....oh wait...I go back to college this thursday.......I don't want my break to end ;_; also its good to finally get this hat off, it was starting to eat my brain
  4. 224 just came on reaaal quick to say happy new year!!! P.S. Finished Omega Ruby ^.^ P.S.S. We're really back here for real? P.S.S.S. First time I've seen a larvesta look cute Xp
  5. 4 Merry Christmas!!! aaaaaww >>'' oh well at least I almost always go to NY whenever I have a break, so its not so bad
  6. 33 jeez, so much to read through anyway, at first I was going back and forth between bronx and staten island due to one of my cousins having her sweet 16, but now I'm just in newburgh for the rest of the time on this trip. also, Link....just.....just why >.>''
  7. Christmas tiiiime, is the tiiiiime of the year~

  8. 30 oh hey, I managed to actually have some time with the laptop for myself ^^ and great.....were back here >>''
  9. Another trip to New York. Sometimes I wish I could just kick back and relax at home for a whole break. But yeah, gonna be gone for two weeks. Merry Christmas and happy new year, later gators

  10. 1555 probably going to be my last post for about two weeks since I gotta get up for another trip to New York tomorrow. Later gators you are all gators now ^^
  11. 1520 never really get bored when were burning through to the top! >: D whatever the top is at this point anyway xp
  12. 1510 yay, were slightly passed being halfway there! ^^
  13. 1484 ah, yeah, finals cause a lot of errors ;_; oh god I'm gonna hate next semester finals when I get there. Since the classes I'm taking next will be a huge pain >>
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