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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 1197 oooh, me I would like to toss them! o.o *grabs the 70s and tosses them into the fire*
  2. 1194 wait.....weren't you.....I don't even
  3. Going to attempt a Mono Dark run of Reborn, this is gonna be fun, hopefully >>''

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Etesian


      I'd say a Stunky with Screech followed by a Liepard/+speed-natured-Mightyena could kill it relatively easily.

    3. AeroWraith


      Alright, thanks. ^^

    4. AeroWraith


      Oh, and I can't forget about Victoria. Well, atleast her starter won't be an issue.

  4. 1177 and this one. oooh, marshmallows sounds good! ^^
  5. 1171 welp, this one goes to the death list as well
  6. 1167 it must die along with the others that reminded me of 70
  7. Klang or a pelipper....wait, thats not making it any better
  8. Ferrothorn wheres CSI, I feel like there should be a "YEAAAAH" after that pun. XP also, I got water/flying on that quiz
  9. tfw your ADC is only building attack speed and health and just takes my jungle farm whenever a team fight is happening. Surprisingly still won the game though. Jarvan became our new ADC.
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