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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. Only way I won that fight was having my Sylveon out first to set up light screen. Then my Heracross kinda mega horned and close combated his way through with moxie until that Quagsire...oh god that unaware quagsire stalled the crap out of my team. It eventually started running out PP for it's moves and she switched it out to her Hippowdon, but I easily destroyed that one. That Quagsire almost screwed me over. The two max revives I was saving up was used just because of that monster ;_;
  2. Plusle you can never have too many cats XP Also, yea, I saw that owl gif. Whenever I see it, I tend to keep looking at for like 2 minutes or so.....don't question me lol
  3. Got too fed early game. Pretty sure this game taught the xin zhao player to be very careful when over extending. Got first blood around like 3 or 4 minutes on him. He still kept over extending without placing any wards and so I got fed off of him mostly. This game went too well for me. Also, loved the new passive for Nocturne because that also got me some kills.
  4. Nosepass I feel so bad for this pokemon....it can only move 1 inch per year ;_;
  5. Breloom ok, finally going to be posting more again since I've been busy for the past few days ^^''
  6. I just love playing as Nocturne. Especially with the new buff he just got :3

    1. Wendel


      I can't play Nocturne at all xD

      Olaf's awesome though :3

    2. AeroWraith


      Olaf is a scary champ. Oh the memories of a couple of matches where an olaf 1v3'd my team ;_;

  7. Aaaah, what a gorgeous day.....to play episode 14! Screw you Mr.Sun!

  8. Welp, I got finals for the next two days. I think I got this, hopefully.

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