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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 1002 aw man, I wanted to be awake when we got to 1000. anyway, YEAH!!! WE DID IT! >: D see ya in a week people.
  2. Warwick and Fiora are being annoying. Skirmisher Blade+Devourer and an ult that can hit several times plus the true damage from being smited, you're dead

    1. Raspbeh


      AD Malz too, he doesn't even need Devourer to deal a shitload of damages. Voidlings works with the Skirmisher.

    2. anethia


      Your kidding. What. Alright, spamming AD Malza.

  3. Oh god I hated that level. Oh the horrible, horrible memories ;_; anyway
  4. 972 whatever it is, don't do it. ;_; its not like I'm doing anything evil either.......
  5. 956 why would I want pain? ;_; you did enough already. My eyes are still recovering
  6. 954 Yea, I'll just take nothing, thanks ^^''
  7. 948 I suppose that is a good prize ^^'' .....wish I could've gotten something good besides nothing ._.''
  8. 932 there is a reason why it was quiet. it will all come in time......mwahahaha
  9. Gligar smiling after he told his Forretress to blow itself up
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