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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. Welcome to reborn ^^ Speaking of nuzlockes, I should start a nuzlocke of reborn soon.....then again I have too many things I have to playthrough atm >> Anyway, enjoy your stay here
  2. 1096 dogs rule, cats suck, deal with it
  3. 1 lazy bums the lot of you! we gotta get out there on the high road!
  4. tfw a music playing bot on discord stops playing requested songs, then plays a song that has most of the lyrics saying "fuck humanity". I think there may be a rebellion upon us.
  5. For me, senior year was probably best year out of the others in highschool. That whole being a bully to freshmen barely happened on my end, nor did I care to even do any of that. Really, the main focus of the year should be thinking about college. Also, since it's your last year, make it the best one because when I graduated, I felt like there were some things that could've ended off better.
  6. 1070 ​hail to the dogs
  7. I had a dream where I hatched a shiny froakie, therefore I should hatch a shiny froakie today.......right??

  8. 1066 yeah, I'd rather have a companion that doesn't make me more lazy. I'm already lazy as it is
  9. Almost all of the Armored Core games are my favorites in terms of openings. Honorable mentions: Jak X, All of Kingdom Hearts, Custom Robo, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Riders, Left 4 Dead 2, and Custom Robo.
  10. 1056 all hail the dog nation
  11. 15 my luck will come back around.......eventually
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