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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. During my first run of Reborn, I swept Julia with a Mightyena with moxie and then Mightyena fainted after finishing off the last pokemon. Felt like such a dramatic way to go....luckily this wasn't a nuzlocke. Ruining Ditto Arceus's accuracy with prankster Purrloin and then proceeding to utterly destroy it with my Scrafty during my mono dark run. Setting Shelly's gym on fire with my shiny Growlithe and destroying her team as Growlithe gets stronger due to flash fire. Like Shelly, Noel got swept by my Typhlosion after burning the field and then spamming Eruption while flash fire gives it a boost. Beating Kiki on the first try with my mono dark team.
  2. tfw your air conditioner broke. why does heat have to be so exhausting ._.''

  3. Spent almost the whole day watching stardust crusaders.....yare yare

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SilverJakler


      Oh thank god. Welcome to the JoJo hype train.

    3. AeroWraith


      It's good to be on board ^^. I'll get to watching some Diamond is Unbreakable later

    4. SilverJakler


      Dude. DiU is so good. Like oh my god. I read the manga after I caught up on where the anime was at and I'm loving how well they're adapting it.

  4. Mega Man Network Transmission: back when Blockbuster was a thing, I rented this game.....one of my biggest regrets ever, I could've rented something so much better. Couldn't even get past the first boss. I thought I was just bad at the game, but a few months ago or so I saw some people's opinions on it and it seemed like the first part of the game is just really bad, while afterwards it gets somewhat better.....somewhat
  5. From what I've seen so far, how his ghoul army works is a bit interesting. Once they're in a lane they'll behave like a minion and run it down. Throw in a Zz'Rot Portal and this guy will split push for days without even being there. Also saw a stonewall vid showing him being able to solo dragon and herald at level 6.
  6. Welp, back to college work again. C++ might kill me this time

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