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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. Doing a royal guard only run through devil may cry 3 isn't as bad as I thought it would be

  2. Well, my mono dark team is sure gonna love this :3
  3. I'm baaack from NY. Feels good to be able to get on here more now ^^

  4. Tfw your step brother just takes your phone charger and leaves the house to get to work. This is why I can't wait to go back to Georgia. Not having a thief for a roommate would be good.

  5. I'm really starting to believe in karma. I've been seeing my step brother get the bad end of it so many times lately

  6. 11 just poking my head in to use helping hand ^^ will be back to being on here more in like.....4-5 weeks
  7. I really wish my step brother can stop getting into arguments with everyone in this house. Seeing everyone get so angry is really depressing

    1. AeroWraith


      It's even more sad that he's been kicked out multiple times before because of his attitude.

    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      I get your feeling, I really do. My brother and mother constantly and it makes me feel sad.

  8. Tfw your step brother's girlfriend got him a dog even though he doesn't even take care of the one we already have ._.

    1. Shad_


      See the positive side, you gained a free dog lol

    2. AeroWraith


      Not when having one is enough. Also, this one is kinda violent .-.

  9. Visiting NY again feels better than usual ^^

  10. 10 Shame I won't be here as often for a while due to visiting family members. Move on without me comrades!
  11. gonna fly to NY tomorrow. may or may not be on here less than usual for the next month and a half

  12. ^I'm also more of Jolly and Adamant kind of person. With the occassional Modest
  13. I'm sad about Kindred losing the heal and 7 base armor ;_; buuuut at least with the attack and movement speed slow on monsters, losing the heal won't be too bad. Oh, and more scaling armor is alright. Hopefully they'll nerf my main carefully if they plan on more changes......hopefully
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