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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. You already get a + from me. Welcome to Reborn! Enjoy your stay
  2. Looking back at Game Grumps reacting to pokemon always makes my day

    1. Jacobliterator


      I love Danny's reaction to Ponyta.

  3. Humming bird yay :D

    1. Spineblade


      Hummingbird? Where?

  4. As I take a break from strugglin to get level 7 with Kindred, I decided to take a train ride into Hexakill mode. ​ Choo Choo, all aboard the Hexakill train!
  5. 25 threes aren't my favorite anyway. I prefer taking the 9s ^^
  6. tfw your going on a streak of As and Bs, can't manage to get an S ;_;
  7. 15 huh.....wasn't actually paying attention to the number of pages this thread has........I've been posting here for a looooong time lol
  8. I think my trash can is senteint. It's making sounds that sound like it's saying hello whenever I open it

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