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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. The World Ends with You has my favorite ending.
  2. Got an S+! ^^ Now I just need 2 more. "The hunt is back on" also, I do play some TT from time to time. I used to play it a lot when I first started playing the game.
  3. 5 What happened to sympatheticness Rose? <: (
  4. To me, Torterra is just better in every way
  5. Reala has some good taste for battle music
  6. 1. Unova would be my choice of region to travel through ^^ 2. Oshawott, second favorite starter out of all of them 3. Samurott, Braviary, Zoroark, Volcarona, Reuniclus, and Haxorus. Additional members: Bisharp, Jellicent, Scrafty, Accelgor, Escavalier, Galvantula, Hydreigon.
  7. Nerfs shmerfs, I'm still gonna hunt down scrubs
  8. Pray that Lunala doesn't get sucker punched

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Exalted


      if it dosent get roost or recover it could end up becoming the worst user of multiscale tbh

    3. zimvader42


      Then it'll surely have roost or moonlight.



      I hope.

    4. Exalted


      moonlight still is bad if it gets roosts good but if not only 8 times(max) to heal isnt all that good and unless it has some good def atleast 80 hp and some solid 100+ def still going to end up becoming the worst multiscale user

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