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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. Back from my 5 weeks of being dead

  2. Feels great having a birthday on JoJo Friday

  3. Ah good to see some snow here, because I'm not going to be seeing any here in Georgia. Luckily I'll be flyin up to NY this Saturday so.....MORE SNOW : D

  4. And thus another semester has ended. Ended off on a good note, especially when I was hanging out with a friend after one of my exams and found out that are birthdays are apparently a day away from each other. Although too bad I have to fly up to NY on her birthday but still, never expected I'd be friends with someone who has their birthday a day after mine lol

  5. I've been seeing Kha'zix banned more than Rengar in the few preseason games I've had so far.
  6. welp, got pokemon moon and a car as early birthday presents. So much emotions are coursing through right now lol

    1. Spineblade


      Cool! Hope you enjoy Moon. What's the car?

    2. AeroWraith


      volkswagen jetta

  7. New site looks so pretty ^^

    Also during the whole time of the site being down, I had a really stressful final project and presentation to deal with but fortunately it all went well. Was so stressful, that I felt like it was the final battle of an anime or something and the final exams this week are just epilogues or something I guess

  8. Another one bites za dusto

  9. Holy crap, after many brain farts, I've finally figured out my C++ project....hopefully things will go well once I write it out tomorrow or the next day

  10. Camille = PROJECT Fiora 2.0 Thought she was gonna be an assassin, but fighter is good. I only like her ult and passive. The other abilities are kinda meh to me.
  11. tfw your you have playlist going while traveling with full inventory in MC, then almost died as soon as Pillar Men theme started playing >>

    1. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~


  12. Just gonna wait another month to get Moon since my birthday is in December, also if I got Moon now, I would get too distracted from working on my final projects >>''

    1. Alistair


      or you could get sun now and moon for your birthday :>

  13. I love it when a Tracer blinks into my steel traps :3
    1. Maelstrom


      A. You're kind of a dick for getting your Anna killed that way.

      B. You should have edited out those extra seconds at the end.

    2. AeroWraith


      Was my friend that was playing, not me. Don't worry though, I called him a dick for doing it lol

  14. Kinda saw Shofu and I think a couple of other youtubers play Reborn and once I saw how much of a challenge it was, I wanted to download it. Then after a while of having the game, I decided to join the forum.
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