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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. I'm more on my laptop. If you had to live with a permanent weather condition, which kind would you want it be?
  2. I felt like finally looking up the song that plays in the intro of Jak X combat racing. Am not disappointed in finding the whole thing
  3. So I finally drew something again. Was kinda bored. I'm really rusty so this isn't the best but thought I should share it. http://s32.postimg.org/58jqakrt1/Drapion.jpg

    1. AeroWraith


      Free Balloons for all the scorpions :D

  4. Just right through what earth planned~
  5. tfw you realize the top laner chooses Taliyah and you also realize at the last second of champ select that their username is "Best Taliyah NA". I don't think I have to tell what happened through out the game. Xp
  6. 8 don't worry Spine. we'll be back to where we were.......eventually : D
  7. Just had a nice walk in the rain ^^

  8. 5 ^our numbers nation being set back by resets must cease. Hail the numbers nation, repel the reseters! repel! repel!
  9. 5 @Link: Of course it's good for you, you Mettaton you
  10. I was really in the mood to play Yasuo because I wanted to get a better handle on him.....but then this guy took him so I tortured him :3
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