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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 41 oh god mde is watching ;_; pls I don't mean to be cocky ;_;
  2. 39 I'm too motivated to stand by and let us get reset again ^^
  3. Till the time is up I can't give up on you~
  4. Gotta vote Meganium as the worst starter. I can see myself picking any starter at least once but not Meganium. It's move pool is pretty bad and the region it's thrown into is bad for it. Bad against the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th, and 8th gyms. Also, Koga, Lance, and a couple of Karren's pokemon will make it ineffective. It's just not a fun pokemon for me to ever pick up.
  5. Welp, I actually bought another horror game.....don't know why I feel like torturing myself ;_;

  6. 14 ....one day....we'll get to 100 again
  7. TFW you play a game that's so bad you question if something is wrong with your controller at times

    1. Sutoratosu


      ((AKA, the majority of horror games out on steam greenlight nowadays...))

  8. 11 One day, I'll prove I'm better.....one day
  9. 9 take that you chaotic neutral...person....you
  10. Starting to get back into Yasuo lately
  11. 4 your enjoying this aren't you......you think your better than me :feelsgn:​
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