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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. I'm most likely gonna go for Litten. Especially since I haven't chosen a fire starter for long while
  2. 4 no, I had enough....just uh................you set me up >>
  3. 42 nah man, I'm too motivated for us to get reset ; )
  4. Still not sure which one I want. Sun or Moon

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Juniper



      Sun moon?

      S oon?

      Illuminati confirmed.

    3. AuthorReborn


      I was hopping someone would pick up on the Sun+Moon=Soon. Thanks for not disappointing.

    4. Swampellow


      Why not Moon + Sun = Mun? Hmm???

  5. I feel so betrayed today. A chocolate donut I had got me a bit sick ._.

    1. Skeleton


      me with chocolate muffins

  6. 21 stop making suspicios smiles Link....it's creepy >.>
  7. TFW your on a streak of having someone on your team dc ._.''
  8. I've waited so long to listen to RWBY volume 3's soundtrack <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Garnet.
    3. AeroWraith


      I'm The One is my favorite out of it <3

    4. dragoniteborntacoz


      im with you im the one is the best

  9. I was waiting for this song for too long <3
  10. TFW your exploring The End collecting a bunch of good stuff, then when you have to go back you accidentally throw the pearl wrong and fall off the world ;_;

  11. 8 we'll just have to climb back up.....no worries
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