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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. It's weird having those moments when your so tired you misinterpret what people say. Funny but awkward lol

  2. this song always puts me in a really good mood. love the lyrics
  3. 39 your planning something aren't you Link?
  4. Well, from what I can imagine, attract would be temporary since at some point pokemon would no longer be infatuated by whomever attracted it. Rest would be awesome since it cures pokemon of poison, burn, and paralysis. So I guess it would be the cure for everything irl lol. As for teleport....well, I guess you would just well, teleport to whatever you think of going to.
  5. 36 stop smiling it's creepy SOMEONE QUICK!
  6. If you had the ability to learn one of the many pokemon moves that exist, which would you choose? Personally, I would go for rain dance, because I hate hot weather. I'd rain dance through all of spring and summer. Unless I was planning on going to a beach or a pool.
  7. If I could learn a pokemon mover irl, it would be rain dance. Rain rain rain through all of spring and summer

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AeroWraith


      ^good idea

    3. Chevaleresse


      Teleport tho

      think of how convenient it would be, and how much money you could charge for instant worldwide shipping

    4. AeroWraith


      Yeah, teleport would be great too ^^

  8. Instantly got stuck in my head when I started listening to it In the nights, dream delight~
  9. 4 Link, why couldn't ya be merciful again!? ;_; also, no more levers pls ;_;
  10. 1 Noooooo, I was on guard duty the whole time....why'd I take a quick break ;_;
  11. 15 which is why they should be kept hidden forever
  12. Unfortunate 13 do you know how much chaos these things could cause?
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