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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. I'm surprised most of the people who have commented so far have been upset about this. Then again, I haven't looked too deep into Tyler1. I've seen only a few things regarding him that just gave me the impression that he was severely toxic.
  2. 18 yaaaay saved ^^ gah, the kappas are invading
  3. Can I be injected with science?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AeroWraith
    3. Garnet.


      no but you can be injected with meth :]

    4. Ironbound


      I knew someone would make that joke. I was waiting to see who.

  4. Semester is officially over for me ^^

  5. ha ha ol 25, gets me every time oh great....the buzz kill number..........26
  6. I wish I could get more S ranks for Kindred, but the game likes giving me As and A-s more >>'' ​
  7. 22 oh boy, we comin up to one of my favorite numbers again ^^
  8. I thought about rerolling but after getting addicted, I thought, why not​ do one for each type as well.
  9. Sun and Moon I'd rather have a traditional pokemon game than an app.
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