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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. It's saying page not found ;_; try using postimage.org for uploading an image (in case I'm not the only one getting the same error), it's what I usually do.
  2. 14 I bet I'll beat it first Jk, I like it and all so far, but where I'm at currently, I'm not all that motivated to play it for hours straight
  3. Welp, last day of class. No final either, just got a short presentation and the rest is just finishing off a chapter

  4. 11 HA! I see what you did there nah, just laid back the whole time at their house lol. not much happened. Welp, at least I made some progress in super mystery dungeon, would've done so much more if I hadn't forgotten my charger >.>
  5. ^this is how I feel I'm going to have my Typhlosion out and burn it to the ground as soon as possible ​
  6. 5 but shouldn't we try to make it as fair as possible <: )
  7. Another Kindred game ​ This game was downright hilarious. Especially for when it got to a 4v5. Early game at level 2, after popping Zed's flash he wanted to team up with Fiddle to prevent me from getting scuttle mark but with Anivia's help they both got killed and I got 2 marks ^^. Oh the joy of Kindred's level 3 powerspike, I'm going to miss it in 6.9 ;_; Invaded Fiddle multiple times to the point where Zed had to leave lane so much and still get killed by both me and Anivia. Too bad Anivia dc'd after taking the first tower but since I got really strong early along with her, it didn't matter too much. At one point late game when I marked Fiddle again he typed "I DON'T WANT THIS". Funny as hell.
  8. heh 24 ......oh........how the hell do your tears contain neurotoxin? ;_;
  9. 18 yaaaaaay crisis averted ^^ no button pressing this time
  10. Oh god yes, rain. Screw you and your heat Mr.Sun

  11. RIP Prince. I may have not been much of a fan or anything but my Mom and step Dad really liked him.

  12. I play mostly Kayle mid lane......yeah, not good for me ;_;
  13. If that passive for some odd reason goes live without any changes to it.....I'm not going mid lane to deal with that >.>
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