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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. I feel like slaying a bunch of demons right now
  2. 5 Jesus, I was away for a bit just to make myself lunch lol
  3. Throw in a hextech protobelt and bam, even more of a complete waste of time to attempt ganking him. Speaking of that item, now realizing that I play junglers with no form of lockdown whatsoever, makes me pretty upset about it ;_;
  4. 3 I should probably hide that button somewhere
  5. I didn't even read up on Malz yet.....oh god that's terrifying ;_;
  6. 25 but sadly, the next number is a cruel one
  7. Everything changed when the fire dragon attacked
  8. 19 Your Dark Soul must be cleansed of filth
  9. Heat is too exhausting ._.

  10. Seeing it pop up on the youtube mix section got this stuck in my head. I should look back at the movie someday, just to see if my opinion is different from my initial one.
  11. 7 and remembering is half the battle.......wait that's not how it goes
  12. 5 jesus, I haven't heard that song in like.....forever lol
  13. Not sure if this tune will ever get old for me.
  14. heh 24 good and bad at the same time. I don't want to get older but at the same time it's good. My mind is confused.
  15. 22 every time I see or hear 21, I'm reminded of how I'm aging ;_;
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