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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. I mostly just watched youtube videos, talked with friends on skype, watched videos/movies with friends over skype, played a lot of flash games. Used to be somewhat active on Pokefarm. That's kind of it I think.
  2. TFW you hear loud buzzing as if there was a bee in your room but after being out of it for an hour after spraying the room. You see nothing.....am I going crazy? ;_;

    1. AeroWraith


      I'm either going crazy, or it was in the vent

    2. YinYang9705


      It was probably in the vent.

    3. AeroWraith


      Only thing that makes me think it wasn't in the vent was how close it sounded. Even when I was leaving the room.

  3. 4 I should've waited for someone else to post >.>
  4. 2 thanks for raining on our parade, I needed more water ;_;
  5. too bad 26 is scary, but not as scary as the next number
  6. ^Comebacks are great ^^ have another Kindred game :3 I'm just gonna end the day of league with this game here. After having a couple of bad games earlier today, this made up for it so much. Start of the match was interesting, apparently Irelia was have bad ping issues and so I thought since Galio (haven't seen this guy in like, forever) was going so aggressive I thought "hey don't take advantage of my friend's ping issue >: (" and thus I camped him for a bit. Surprised he never put a ward down. Bot lane was doing good, Thresh was on the ball. Only lane that was a bit troublesome was mid but all was good. I wish I could've gotten S this game but oh well. Couldn't at least give me A+
  7. Been watching Brainscratchcomms forever. By far my favorite lets play channel. They always have been entertaining me while at the same time talked about things in a game I probably never even heard of.
  8. oh look, I got unlucky 13 again also, it's not a doctor who reference. Never watched the show. I should look at it one day though.
  9. 10 this one goes to eleven (if you get this reference then I'm proud of you)
  10. ok, might go on a Kindred spree now
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