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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 1 is not a funny number at all ;_; it's the loneliest number of them all
  2. A friend of mine shared this to me, so I thought I should share it here too ^^ poor dog ; (
  3. 8/10 awesome looking armor you go there
  4. Out of all the games I own, I'd have to say Devil May Cry 2. It plays fine but it's just soooo boring. Most of the boss battles pretty much make it feel like it'ss just shoot to win so you'll just find your self keeping distance from a boss and just spam one button the whole time. I've tried to shake things up with melee attacks but it punishes you too hard for going up close. Also, the damage output of the guns (especially when devil triggered) is insane. The whole game is just so boring compared to other Devil May Cry games. Also, the story is so dull, half the time I forgot the plot. Overall, pressing one button through all the combat is very boring, and story is barely there for me. Only good things to come out of it, is that it started some trends for DMC like bloody palace, mission select, and Dante's Rebellion.
  5. 15 Roxas/Ven > Riku > Terra > Aqua > Data Sora > Sora
  6. This is slightly addicting for me to listen to
  7. What dunked on filled day. Time to sleep and possibly have a dream of more dunking

  8. 1 welp, I think I've been dunked on enough for one day ​ I'm hittin the hay ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz
  9. 2 oh god my childhood is coming back to me lol
  10. Apparently I woke up as a sassy Dusknoir.....welp time to spook some people while getting constant radio waves from the spirit world. Also do stuff like this
  11. tfw you got so close to having the first penta ever in your life but it gets snatched away from you even though you could've definitely taken it........I just want one penta out of all the years I've been playing this game ;_;
  12. 11 yeah, sometimes it can't be helped. Ah well, back to the ol grind.
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