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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. Got my driver's license! Today is a good day ^^

  2. 6 of course you aren't....you chaotic neutral person you
  3. 4 then we've failed him ;_; I'm gonna go put myself in a corner
  4. Spent almost 2 hours on Bloody Palace in DMC4.....lost at level 84, stupid blitz ruining my time ;_;

  5. 21 oooh, I love guitars ^^ have fun learning
  6. Was a bit of a rough game. Vlad died a lot to Trynd, and TF was dcing several times during laning phase (actually barely saved him from getting killed somehow). Not sure if I want to main Kindred or Jhin now, or just stick to maining Ezreal, though I haven't played him much lately.
  7. I can't handle the amount of fabulousness on this page, especially that splash art for his armor of the fifth age :feelsgd:​ Overall, this seems like a cool rework ^^
  8. 13 very suspicious.......I'll take it ​
  9. 9 what a roller coaster of emotions lol
  10. Now I'm gonna think of Fabio even more every time I see him
  11. Finally gots me a pokemon super mystery dungeon. woot

    1. Spineblade
    2. AeroWraith


      Well that doesn't sound ominous at all :D

  12. 1 I now have an image of a space dragon with floating basketballs surrounding him as he proceeds to blow up a bunch of numbers.....it's a frightening image ;_;
  13. Once upon a night we'll wake to the carnival of life~
  14. to me the skin itself is ok, but I prefer classic over it, looks more fancy ^^ tfw you have a long even game going to the point where you don't know whose winning over all and your having fun.....then someone on your team dcs ._.''
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