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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. As someone who watched Big Hero 6 and 6teen, this blew my mind. http://i.imgur.com/6yyCHsK.png

  2. 1 ;_;​ I asked the magic conch if we'll ever get to 100 again.....it said neither ;_;
  3. Allergies suck

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Combat


      Amen to that.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      This is pretty much my permanant status... XD

    4. Omega_Ra1der


      spring fever. It isn't fun.

  4. 8 my life has lost meaning before my eyes.....the cookies ;_;
  5. 3 why'd you betray me with the cookies!? That's the worst kind of betrayal ;_;
  6. This just puts me in a mood to play any video game that has sections where you can fight swarms of enemies
  7. 1 I wonder, who'll reset us the most now, Tacos or Rose? lol
  8. 2 congrats on becomin a mod again Tacos ^^
  9. 4 man, wish i was here for the past few days, buuut things got a bit busy for me
  10. 23 @Link: as long as the cookie is just chocolate chip
  11. Starting to get back into jungling again since it was my first main role.......sooo is Nautilus mid a thing or what cuz a friend of mine has been doing that a lot in ranked (although he has a much better build then that) oh and here is another Jhin game I had
  12. TFW you can't feel the left half of your mouth atm ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AeroWraith


      I'm currently waiting......waiting to eat food that my Mom just bought. ;_;

    3. Another Felix
    4. Another Felix
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