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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. I could go with either Vero's hair, Noel'shair, or Arclight's hair
  2. 13 I leave to do some stuff for a few hours and come back to this......I missed a lot ;_;
  3. Noel was always a stop sign for me. Once I got to him, I would always end up having to get another pokemon. On my mono dark run, Drapion was the mvp against him, good defense, not weak to fairy, and destroys Clefable with Cross Poison. After that, I kinda just default to Drapion for help against him, or well, just torch the field with eruption like I did on my last run. Typhlosion rocks against him.
  4. 9 oh, well screw that. I only like chocolate chip
  5. 24 Speaking of gen 4, I should get back to grinding my pokemon in my nuzlocke of diamond, about to face the elite four......but oh god it's so slow to train a gastradon. Why can't my versus seeker work in caves ;_;
  6. Welp, goodbye Kalos, introduced some good things and all but, way too short to playthrough compared to other pokemon games.

  7. Welp, totally winged my US History final today, but it doesn't matter, cuz I have a guaranteed A anyway :3

  8. 5 well, as long as you have the power to reset, being evil doesn't matter I guess.....I guess
  9. 3 You should probably stop enjoying it, or else.......you'll be consumed by evil, and that leads to uh......bad time
  10. 16 no pls, you just got here, don't trouble yourself ^^'' Edit: All you people want to ninja me ;_;
  11. 13 my spirit will never break :feelsgd:​ Edit: ninja'd again >>
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