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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 65 green means clean! *sends out white and green attacks*
  2. TFW you ping your enemy mid laner is missing three times, then few seconds later bot lane gets killed and says "Where's the MIA?" Then I say that I did ping MIA but get laughed at and told that using the ENEMY MISSING PING is not the right way to call MIA........I don't even know anymore ._.''
  3. You know what I love about getting a shiny nincada? Getting two shinies out of it when it evolves <3

  4. after replaying some Mega Man X2 this got stuck in my head. Although, I kinda like his theme in X3 more.
  5. 7 and then an egg comes from a chicken.........wait that's not right
  6. 5 Don't you know? A chicken comes from an egg.
  7. So far in my life, I think needles to the shoulder are the most painful. Hurts to move my arm >>

    1. Noivy


      vaccines do that. Little pain now is better than death later.

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      It's been a while but I know what you mean

  8. 3 ............................ chicken, flower, egg, seed, chicken, flower, egg, seed, chicken, flower, egg, seed
  9. Did you know that a chicken comes from an egg?
  10. 473 day 3....still didn't put on a hat lol
  11. 440 I'll get my hat on......eventually......eventually It's interesting how almost every aspect of the game makes you feel bad for doing genocide, even the music gets to ya
  12. 433 Btw Link, I completed a no mercy run recently....oh my god it really makes you feel bad ;_;
  13. 431 you can only dream Oblivion....you can only dream
  14. Sableye and Spiritomb can also be a good grab later on. It will be good to start looking for them right after your finished with the valley full of crystals. Although you could go for Spiritomb as soon as you gain access to the Wasteland and obtained an odd keystone from mining. Also once you get a Drapion (and trust me you'll need it later) you might as well replace the Skuntank, since Skuntank only learns 2 offensive poison type moves which are pretty weak. Also Drapion could be trained to be a good defensive wall which is pretty nice.
  15. 423 XP also, I wouldn't mind living in a world where we praise weegee soooooo that's not all that bad to me :3
  16. 413 what if....I was the source of the 404???
  17. 399 man, I wish I had fall out 4 right now lol
  18. 396 I sometimes just watch one episode of a series once a day now a days. But occasionally I'll go on a huge spree.
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