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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 384 Yeah, I'll admit, the ears weirded me out a bit at first too but got used to them. I need to get back to reading the manga/watching the anime.....eventually.
  2. I wish I could whistle >>

    1. AeroWraith


      oh and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  3. Our Thresh and Hecarim may have dc'd multiple times at the middle of the game but we still pulled through <: D
  4. 372 I'll look at Bleach again at some point........at some point. I'm kinda scatter brained so I probably won't get to it for a while XD
  5. 362 I barely watched Bleach but somehow I ended up seeing the ending of it when I actually had my TV on lol
  6. 360 no scope It's on Adult Swim? huh....welp, goes to show that I don't watch much TV lol. The internet is basically my TV these days XD
  7. 358 Rin Okumura from Blue Exorcist ^^ Still need to finish either the anime or reading the manga(although, I'm not sure if it's even finished, haven't looked back on it in a while >>'')
  8. 356 soooo you want join Mettaton in his show business? Don't forget to bring Burgerpants, he needs a better life than the one he has now
  9. 354 I might do it at some point, but I just need to mentally prepare myself ;_; I ain't sellin my soul tho
  10. I'd go for speed. I love it when my pokemon outspeeding the competition. Although, if I were to choose another stat, I'd go for attack. I tend to love physical sweepers more than special sweepers.
  11. 346 @Link: GAH!! GET THAT.....THING AWAY FROM ME ;_; I'm not doing it.....I love all these monsters too much ;_;
  12. 343 @Link: Sounds like your having a.....bad time :3. I just can't do a no mercy run >> Farthest I've gotten in a no mercy run was right after I got out of the ruins. I just.....can't do it ;_; @Eterna: What Link said. Also, very lovable characters. Even the monster you get into a a fight with (except for a few) are just so good, I can't hurt them.
  13. 340 so Link......did you do a no mercy run of Undertale?
  14. TFW you turn in an assignment but it has something wrong with it and you have no idea how to fix it.

  15. 328 True, a show is not a show without antagonists.....although now I think about it, there are some shows I've seen with no antagonist lol
  16. 322 @Link: There's a Mettaton shaped hole in my Mettaton shaped heart.
  17. TFW you think the whole day is gonna bad but turns out fine over all in the end.

  18. 316 Too bad I don't have enough gold for any spider related products
  19. At first I was not a fan of the change to the ult, but when I found out that it barely even has a cooldown, It kinda made up for it to me.
  20. 313 eh....well spiders are the only bugs I don't dislike. Besides, Muffet is cool
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