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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. Yeaaaaah, I'm just sitting here waiting for them to come out :/
  2. 162 @Link: I'd say mostly lucky.....mostly xp
  3. 158 Oh man, if you do, you'd be the luckiest guy ever XD
  4. Happy Halloween! Let the spooking begin!

    1. foovy10


      its not halloween until harrowing skins come out...

  5. 154 @Link: what would you do if you ran into someone dressed as Lyon? :3
  6. Gliscor- my go to defensive wall Tyranitar- is a beast Bisharp- Awesome sweeper, also love defiant Volcarona- One of my favorite bugs Heracross- same reason for Volcarona
  7. 148 Daaaaarknesssss itself..........I couldn't really get a costume, was too busy with other things sadly ;_;. I'll celebrate halloween by watching some spoopy stuff, as well as do some spoopy stuff in a couple of games Although, I still have my Scream costume :3 .....I think
  8. 88 one more gate to go and we get back to 100s ^^
  9. Yeah that was my friend there and he didn't have any attack speed runes on. Just AD, armor, and MR, so yeah. Edit: oh...just realized our Wukong reaaally loves CDR. I don't think he knows that there's a limit to how much CDR you can have. oh well, he did his part so whatever.
  10. So, a friend of mine wanted to drag me into a ranked game. Due to my previous experiences in ranked, I was not very fond of the idea. I'm just not into doing ranked matches but for some reason I went along with him and then this happened. yeah....just ignore the item build Soraka has going ._.''
  11. Lesson of the day, never trust anyone while streaming or else, your gonna have a bad time. : P Skip to 18 seconds
  12. 83 This has to be the most intelligent opinion on airplane food. All those luigi dolls just.....just sum up the taste of the food. The taste is insanity lol
  13. 76 I've had airplane food when I was on my flight to China. Was pretty meh for the most part.
  14. "It's all skill". Also, I love this Blitz <3
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