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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 42 I thought it already passed ;_; Is there more than one opposite day?!
  2. 22 @Link: but what if it's not actually silent. what if our thoughts are speaking very loudly?
  3. I think you mean "Who's the best Rin" :3
  4. 105 the spooky time shall be soon upon us. EMBRACE THE SPOOOOOOOOOK
  5. 103 looks like someone just went Grim Reaper ^^''
  6. Hm, this is a tough one for me. Can't decide between Blitzcrank, Braum, Leona, Thresh, and Nautilus. If I really had to choose one, I'll probably go with Thresh. I don't play support much, but when I do, I'll play Thresh most of the time. Still, I really like the others I've listed.
  7. 90 @Link: I don't think I'll ever change my mind but the offer is nice, I guess ^^''
  8. 9/10 So adorable, especially that gengar <3
  9. Tfw your in one for all against a team of zileans and you get perma slowed and stunned ._.''
  10. *sigh* I don't want tomorrow to come. This week has been really light with work to the point that it felt like I was on a break.....although this is fall break but only one of my classes got cancelled because of that.

  11. heh 69 @Link: it's worse because I'm right handed ;_;
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