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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. Tfw Blitzcranks destroy Zeds robots > ninjas >:3
  2. tfw in One for All and your on a team of Lucians vs Rivens. rip everything
  3. 49 I can't trust my hand anymore.....and out of all the hands, it just had to be my right hand ;_;
  4. One for All Adventures with IronWraith They were not prepared for the donging First time I ever got 20 stacks (same for my friend too). Too bad I couldn't hold on to them till the end ;_;
  5. Can't decide my favorite so I'll just list a few I like Dr. Nefarious from Ratchet and Clank- hopefully no one will ever fix that glitch hes got going on Dr. Eggman from Sonic- Started liking him more since Sonic Colors GLaDOS from Portal- Just a funny whenever shes mocking you or Wheatley Sho Minamimoto from The World Ends with You- I want this guy to be my math teacher XD Hades from Kid Icarus Uprising- I love almost every line of dialogue from him xp Clockwork from Sly Cooper- The first boss I fought in my childhood that actually really intimidated me. Kinda creepy too. Chief from Armored Core V- Hilarious and really odd. Don't know who built him since I guess hes an AI of sorts, I'm not sure entirely, but he was pretty cool.
  6. Boomerang is my favorite. Every time I play with my friends and they see me get a boomerang, they'll all just be like "KILL HIM" and then I die shortly after all the pain and suffering I cause with it. Just throw and catch, and throw and catch. ^^
  7. 23 There never will be anything pointing at me......right?
  8. Hey I need that long silence to shut Riven up in the top lane lol
  9. 19 @Link: nah there's nothing pointing at me ^^''
  10. Yeah, I agree, Cho doesn't need any changes to him. I think hes perfectly fine.
  11. 13 ey now, lets not point fingers......although, maybe we can point fingers at Link nah jk
  12. 9 This is what happens when your gone Link lol
  13. 5 Diligence is one of my strong suits......sometimes >> I've just been a bit more busy than usual lately. But since midterms are over, things will cool down a bit
  14. On a Sonic Colors spree soooooo and this
  15. 3 Maybe you inherited my old curse. One time I was on a spree of getting us reset ;_;
  16. Once I'm sure my router will stop being sporadic with going off and on (someone's gonna come over this friday to help fix that), I'll definitely take Kindred out to PvP. They're pretty fun.
  17. 2 oh man my screen, it's like the wubs all over again also.....cookie tacos.........hm, wonder how that would taste lol
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