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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. I gotta stop letting curiosity get the best of me when I see any video talking about bugs or parasites >>''

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BreezyPonie


      I didn't know what bot flies were, so I googled it-- the first suggestion that comes up is "Bot Flies in Florida" (where I live)

      H O O B O Y

    3. Sunbean


      please don't make me look up bot flies... i already want to leave this horrible state

    4. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      @Viri that sounds like a Florida Man story

  2. Welp, gonna be at my step grandparent's house for the next 3 days. As relaxing as the room I get is....it puts me in a really lazy mood

  3. Well.....at least I don't think penguins don't fly because they're lazy So... out of all the plants Riot have introduced so far, I think this one kinda worries me the most.
  4. I got this: B-but....I'm allergic to cats
  5. 82 must.....not....get....reset and get to 100.....and yet, I must sleep >>
  6. tfw you mess up badly on a midterm exam due to the site crashing multiple times which screws you out of time, but then after being depressed for an hour or so you decide to look back to see what questions you got wrong and see that multiple attempts can be made on the exam and you end up getting a much better score!
  7. I feel terrible. Got a bad score on my midterm exam. Worse thing about it was the web page crashing several times which took off some of the timer, which forced me to rush through it ;_;

    1. AeroWraith


      o shit wait a minute! just realized I can attempt it multiple times. wish me luck

    2. AeroWraith


      Update: did soooo much better and increased my score ^.^

  8. Bugs have no chill. Was only outside for like 4 minutes and I get 5 itchy bite marks on my arm >>

  9. Finished my nuzlocke of Black 2. Damn, Unova makes you feel real good becoming champion better than the other regions <3

  10. this is how I feel sometimes with the anime
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