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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 201 Woooooot!! there probably is but I'm too tired to think more about that.....on that note......*falls asleep* ZZZzzzzzz
  2. 199 Well then, I must defy my own soul then : P
  3. 197 maybe, maybe not. But I just don't feel like it
  4. 195 I'm too used to using one foot now so it's too late for me. lol
  5. Thought I might post here since I just recently had to take a picture of myself and put it up as my avatar on skype for a class I'm in this semester.
  6. Not my best game as Aatrox but I can still say it was a massacre : P
  7. 193 Yeah, I kinda agree with using one foot for the pedals. I feel like it wouldn't go well for me if I used both feet, and besides, it feels better using one foot anyway
  8. 191 I used to have the problem of sometimes hitting the wrong pedal. Almost hit a tree when I was trying to park due to accidentally hitting the gas pedal. Luckily I hit the brakes at the last second >.>
  9. 189 Yeah, whenever my mom lets me drive, she will kinda freak out a bit, but eventually I kinda get used to it. sorta
  10. 187 That reminds me.......I really need to do another practice drive soon. I wanna get my license this semester >> But yeah, it's a bit scary at first but just give it more time and you'll be fine. Just have a watchful eye. I still need to get better at relaxing when driving, but I'm almost there.
  11. Welcome to Reborn! Also.....nice avatar ^^
  12. Just had a nice stroll in my neighborhood and realized: my neighborhood is getting invaded by mushrooms. Never seen so many in one spot

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      Sounds like the last of you

  13. When I first knew about shiny pokemon, I wasn't all that into them. The first one I caught was a shiny zubat in gold. Wish I could've carried that over all the way to ORAS but sadly I lost gold along with the gameboy advance. I think my first shiny in reborn was a shiny sanic sandshrew.
  14. Cookies because they're the best snacks Would you rather have the Defeatist ability or the Truant ability
  15. It's funny how saying one sentence to a group of friends multiple times can cause hilarious reactions. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Just a joke from a video I watched lol

    1. Ikaru


      I say that to people on League whenever they start to get mad or shit talk

    2. AeroWraith


      I'm gonna say that a lot once I get Zac

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