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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 516 this is true, but the downside of it, is that it hurts >.>
  2. I'm starting to think the "illuminati confimred" joke is severely stuck in my head. Every time my art teacher said there were a lot of triangles/three points in the artwork, I would hear "illuminati confirmed" in the back of my mind. >>''

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shing


      I think in my opinion the illuminati is annoying. So it can be happened you could annoy the class instead tbh.

    3. Cepheus


      imagining saying it out loud... and the teacher is like... "crap... he found out..."

      and suddenly some kind of special forces storm the room xD

    4. AeroWraith


      ^if that happened, I would just laugh so hard but at the same time be frightened lol

  3. I hate 3 hour long classes. >>''

    1. Sunbean


      Woah, is it a lab class? My last 3 hour class was chemistry and it was hellish. ><

    2. AeroWraith


      Its a C++ programming lab class and so far its a bit hard to keep up with >>''

  4. I usually go for dubs in case I want to multitask, but I can go for subs too, when I don't feel patient and want to watch the show as soon as I can or if the english voice actors do a bad job.
  5. As incredibly hilarious as it would be, I'm glad the first one is never a thing, although we sorta have something that's somewhat close to that >.>
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