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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. TFW you "kill secure" one of your best friend's targets with a global ult right when she was about one spell away from killing it :^)
  2. 395 eeeyyyyy @Link: oh, that reminds me, I need to get caught up since I had a huge hiatus over the summer break. So much progress I need to make >>
  3. 390 It may have been hard, but at least there was some challenge to it, and completing a challenge always feels rewarding right? ......right? I'm probably not right though >.>
  4. 388 yay ^^ @Link: sometimes I wish I was captain falcon. #IgotothechurchofCaptainFalconeverySunday
  5. ^omg I saw this one before. so much fast, 2MLG4me :^) 377
  6. 10/10 I can deal with another person who wears shades lol
  7. 9/10 I had something like that as my avatar when I first came here, so I must give it this score ^^
  8. 365 Next thing you know, an admin or mod comes in to look at this thread
  9. 1. Dragon 2. Dark 3. Can't decide between Fighting and Steel for this spot.
  10. 359 yeah, those were good times. I miss them ;_;
  11. 354 The Doc Robots themselves aren't the problem exactly (well except for wood man doc robot) but the stages themselves are just a hassle for me. It's weird that they're harder than the final stages of the game
  12. 352 I actually just replayed the game again a couple of days ago, and yeah, he can be a hassle to fight sometimes >> Still, that whistle sound is nice so I always think "welp if I'm gonna get rekt, at least I'll hear that nice tune before I die" lol The only things that gives me the chills in mega man 3 are the doc robot stages ;_;
  13. 350 Yeah, I have like 3 different versions of this theme. It's been really stuck in my head lately. Edit; ninja'd >.>
  14. This mischief maker always got me whenever I see it smile. honorable mentions: all the eeveelutions
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