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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. Gonna have to go with normal for being my least favorite type. The only interesting things about normal types to me, are the variety of moves they can learn (to this day I'm still weirded out by surfing, fire breathing, and electric spewing Tauros) and the few pokemon I like that are normal type. Also screw Noel >.>
  2. ^ I know this feel all too well also
  3. 335 oh snap, looks like Solarance is going MLG lol
  4. Once I found that, I was like "MUST.....GET.....THIS @_@"
  5. TFW you're worried your not gonna see a good friend from last semester due to having different schedules but end up going to see them almost every monday ^^

  6. By far one of the best game grumps animated vids I love watching over and over again.
  7. 282 also, yea, I don't wanna get cursed, soooo someone here that's not me is gonna get it : 3
  8. 252 Yeah, I got sooooooo addicted to the chao garden. When I first went into it, I thought "eh, this isn't all that interesting". Then I came back and actually spent time in it and hatched my first chao and gave him a name. At that point I was just hooked.
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