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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. Kanto Favorite: Blaine (Can't help but love his fire puns. Also love how even when his gym got destroyed by a Volcano, he resorts to using some random cave for a gym) Least Favorite: Erika (if you've ever seen "Destiny Red" from the Nuzlocke comics, it will explain why it's my least favorite gym) Johto Favorite: Morty (Even though he killed my starter in my Heartgold nuzlocke, the character himself interested me the most, also his overworld sprite in gen 2 reminds me of Snake from Metal Gear) Least Favorite: Pryce (Was just there, barely remember him) Hoenn Favorite: Norman (Oh my god we actually have a father that is also a gym leader ) Least Favorite: Tate and Liza (they only use two pokemon......just....very disappointing, although they did fix that in emerald but then made them have only two pokemon again in ORAS) Sinnoh Favorite: Volkner ( I kinda been through the same thing the guy was going through, the whole losing motivation to do stuff so I got interested in him the most) Least Favorite: Byron (Even though its cool that hes Roark's father, I tend to forget about his existence) Unova Favorite: Elesa (Her character, and her gym was really cool, especially her gym in Black2/White2. Also, she loves bad puns XD) Least Favorite: Marlon (The only Unova gym leader that I just didn't care about. I just didn't like him) Kalos Favorite: Wulfric (The talk about the whole "I could be just a pushover or be your worst gym leader" talk gave me a bit of a laugh, especially after 3 minutes of completely destroying his team) Least Favorite: Olympia (The most forgettable, especially since her gym was a breeze, like most of the Kalos gyms) Reborn Favorite: Radomus (Loved his gym puzzle, his character, and hes a pretty fancy guy that loves to pick the right outfits for any situation) Least Favorite: Noel (I swear, everytime I get to him, I always end up doing a lot of training before I beat him. I usually get a couple of new pokemon and train them up when I get to him. Also, that Clefable >.>'')
  2. 5. Tepig - Even though I was tired of the fire/fighting starters at this point, once this mon got reckless, I've been a little interested in it. Also I kinda like it's design. 4. Fennekin - I honestly can't think of any other starter that could be put here. The Fennekin line used to be cool...well, that is until I saw Delphox. So this one is kinda just here. I don't hate it but it's just a starter I don't think I'll ever use to be honest. 3. Squirtle - Never really fond of it. Used it once, got bored of it pretty quickly. Also, Blastoise has been somewhat of a villian to me (specifically in my Fire Red nuzlocke). 2. Piplup - I used to like Piplup but then I tried using it and well, I just always felt a bit awkward making a moveset for this mon for some reason. Also, when it evolved into Empoleon, I thought it was gonna gain a secondary typing that could give it more moves to work with to beat Torterra, y'know like how Infernape was a Fire/Fighting which had fighting type moves to beat Empoleon, while Torterra was Grass/Ground so it could just earthquake Infernape, while Empoleon doesn't really gain anything offensively well against Torterra. I know it could get Ice Beam through TM and learn Drill Peck but I wish it had a STAB move that would put it on an even playing field with Torterra. Its just something that bothers me. 1. Chikorita - I really feel bad for Chikorita. It is really unfortunate that it had to be in the Johto region where it's only sorta effective against one gym leader, that being Chuck, but only because his best pokemon is Poliwrath. In every other gym (except Whitney) it will not be of much use at all. Also, it's a bit of insult to injury when Team Rocket mostly uses poison types, so it's not really great against them either. So yeah, you'll probably not use it for like 80% of your time through out Johto (unless your insane and decide to do a solo run with it). It does have some good use as a support but I don't really like a starter being used mostly as a support.
  3. Feels good to be back home, where theres peace and quiet and no step brother for a roommate ^.^

  4. 152 welp, I'm now gonna be back to posting here a lot more since I got back from a trip.
  5. TFW you get the shiny charm

    1. Aurorix


      Was it worth it?

    2. Avatar of Grima
    3. AeroWraith


      Honestly, so far, even with dex nav chaining, my luck hasn't really felt any different yet. Actually, it feels like it got worse ;(

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