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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 519 yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy *eat pringles then falls asleep* zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  2. 516 fine, I'll just go sleep pringleless ;_;
  3. 506 omg, I haven't had pringles in like......forever @_@
  4. 15 I bet he's having some biting sounds in his dream lol
  5. 11 I don't think eating a Tack is a good idea ^^''
  6. Tfw you're questioning what happened to an item you lost for so long to the point of it showing up in your dreams. It was a TV remote btw

  7. I never thought of the demo like this
  8. Not gonna be on much for like a month and a half. If I do come on, it will probably be just for a little bit. Off to NY again

  9. 79 I like socks, they're comfy and easy to wear. I wear socks all the time. I hate going bare foot >.>
  10. 72 welp, luckily I have some phases of not eating as much as I usually do
  11. 70 I'm actually surprised to this day that I'm still somehow skinny. I eat a lot yet it never looks like I'm gaining any weight lol
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