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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 39 Mods don't have enough power stop this slam jam ninja'd >.>
  2. 36 oh man, I don't know if I can handle that much pokeslamin. I need to prepare my brain cells more for that lol
  3. 33 @Shadow: I know, it's just so cute < 3 Initially it was only there at first cuz at the time I hatched a shiny gastly, so it was gonna be temporary first but now I just can't get rid of it <3 also, now whenever I get to replaying explorers of sky this song will just kill the serious mood of the fight XD
  4. 29 I think I just died from seeing Diantha in that vid XD oops, I meant Barklea lol
  5. 6 oh....huh, I guess that's another thing I missed while I was gone.....Vinny WHYYYYYYYY!? ;_; YOU JUST HAD TO JOIN THE DARK SIDE >.>'' although I do like this music lol
  6. 65 @Link: well.......I'm looking forward to seeing that in your playthrough
  7. 62 it's good to be back ^^ also, its pretty cool that episode 15 gets posted a day after I got back from Florida. Gotta love good timings < 3
  8. Ah, it's good to be back to my usual stuff ^^

  9. Gonna be gone for a week. Gotta visit grandparents in Florida. ta ta

  10. 118 @Link: sorry man, you were just....."too slow" ; P also, I'm gonna be gone for a week maybe, gotta visit my grandparents in florida, so later people
  11. 111 It's no use, you will not screw us over lol
  12. 73 Yeah, biology was interesting to me too, but jeesh, I feel like I forgot most of the stuff I learned in that class, although I guess that's to be expected since I took it years ago.
  13. 73 Chemistry was probably my favorite science class ever. Especially the part when I had to make green fire, purple fire, and yellow fire.
  14. 49 You didn't do the summoning right. lol
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