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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  2. And thus, the semester is over....FINALLY! >: D

  3. Taking the last two exams tomorrow, finally gonna be done with this semester ^^

  4. 2 not expecting for the story to go there XD
  5. Something I'm gonna be listening to while taking an exam online.
  6. 10 @Dark: did the school say why it was doing that in a year?
  7. 2 Yeah, so far to me hes pretty cool. Also, knowing that all these dimensions exist makes me question a lot of things. Like, does Jaden, and Yugi live in the fusion? Although if that was the case, then its kinda weird that a couple of their friends were referenced in 5Ds if that takes place in the synchro dimension. Although, I guess it could be just a synchro version of them or something.....idk I'm tired, I shouldn't think too much about it. Edit: damn it Taco! this is why I rarely eat Tacos >.>
  8. 46 Yeah, can't believe the King is making a return. >: D Also, another reason I can't wait to see the next episode is cuz I do want to see more Yugo, since we didn't see him much, and his first appearance did leave some people upset due to what he did to Yuto (even though he wasn't himself when that happened).
  9. 44 I watched up to 53 today. So I'm caught up at the moment. Can't wait for next week though, synchro dimension ahoy!
  10. 39 right, jobs....I need to think of part time job to go for. I need to get my driving license first though. No public transportation where I'm at >.>
  11. 37 seriously? no credits for that? wow >.>
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