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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 9 but we gotta go fast! Were Sanic Heroes!
  2. Ok, program finals done. Damn, I wish they could give me the grade already cuz I just want to know if I passed or not >.>

  3. 23 You make it sound so normal.....although, what is classified as normal anyway XD
  4. 21 heh, modded skyrim. Reminds me of watching steam train play skyrim.....so much farts and macho dragons XD
  5. I usually listen to music depending on what my mood is. I do listen to some songs that can easily change my mood though. Usually listen to some up beat songs to motivate me. When I feel like I need to chill out, I just listen to some calm music.
  6. Ok, program finals tomorrow. BRING IT ON! D :<

  7. What I think of every time I just see these animatronics in the camera. Also, gotta love that typo. >.>''
  8. 15 oh, pffft XD I was kinda thinking "ok, anti numbers, and my avatar pic". so I was thrown off there : P
  9. 12 @Turbo: Actually I don't, sorry. Stupid me >.>''
  10. 1 Holy Arceus, what is this? Reset Day? >.>
  11. 133 yeah, I miss that guy, hes my favorite team meteor member (I almost typed "team meateor" XD) Only thing I won't miss, is his cradily and chatot.
  12. Final Exams week! Time to end this semester....but damn, that programming final is gonna be scary ;_;

    1. Meruem
    2. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      I still have normal tests this week. Finals don't start until 2nd week of May for me.

  13. 130 Too bad for that cradily that I'm not giving it any tears for it to drink. Was never the biggest problem for me when I went up against Florinia....although, it was much more annoying when I fought Taka >.>
  14. 279 yeah, I mean, what else could it be?
  15. 277 ......oh.....welp..................*runs to a hospital, and then comes back* all good ^^
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