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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 275 good thing I blast my headphones sooooooo *unaffected by boomburst*
  2. Welcome to the forums friend! Like Author said, lose that sanity and go crazy ^^
  3. Tfw you get really nervous when you have to attend a meeting just to talk to a couple of people you don't even know for 2 hours, but you realize "oh wait, I'm only bad at starting conversations, everything else is fine". Still had to deal with the awkward standing around by myself but oh well.

  4. 252 @Link: its a good thing I got a jar of cookies waiting for me back home then.....after I return from the hospital after getting zapped >.>
  5. 232 *gets up for a second* HA, I see what you did there : D *falls back down* x.x
  6. 230 AAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!! *cough* why!? *cough* X.X
  7. 228 ok Link~ *lightning strikes right next to link*
  8. 223 @Link: yes I do! *thunderstorm comes out of no where as I say that* See! You refusing my powers made a thunderstorm show up here
  9. 209 I do have power. wut u talkin about m8?
  10. 207 by the power invested in me I shall save us all! : D
  11. 199 I should've noticed as soon as I looked at the date on the bottom right corner of my laptop.
  12. 174 Why did you quit your job of being Link?!
  13. 172 so....you figured it out. yes, I'am red/pyro link. BURN, BURN HAHAHAHAHA
  14. Tfw you think "I'll just watch a few episodes". Then a bunch of serious stuff happens and you can't stop watching when there is work that needs to be done.

    1. Shamitako


      Lol. I know that feel

    2. KingRyan
    3. AeroWraith


      Luckily though (at the same time, unfortunate), I've finally caught up so no more episodes for me to look at, so back to work I go ;_;

  15. At first I didn't like that song, but after listening to it more recently, I actually started liking it. What made me like it was parts like at 1:27
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