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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 127 yea, moves wise, ground and rock are awesome. Earthquake all day every day. Also stone miss edge, and rock slide are cool. Can't say what my favorite type is move wise. Maybe fighting
  2. 125 If a rock/ghost type comes out in gen 7 or sometime in the future, I'll probably never be able to decide what will be my least favorite type.
  3. Thundurus I swear this guy was always trouble. Not only in battling, but for me, it was a huge pain to capture in pokemon white. After being paralyzed, and leaving it with 1 HP with false swipe, it always.....got away from me. I also didn't have a pokemon with mean look or block atm and I didn't feel like going out of my way to get one (if there was one in white, I can't remember). I just kept thinking to myself "oh, I'll just keep using quick balls, it should get captured eventually". Six months or so later, I finally caught the stupid thing. Also nicknamed it "Stupid" just because, like I said, it was a stupid thing.
  4. Almost every track from The World Ends With You Favorite one being this: Sling Shot from No More Heroes 2 Every boss battle music in Metal Gear Rising I love a lot of tracks from the Sonic series Lazy Afternoon, Deep Anxiety, Rage Awakened,Secret of Neverland, Enter the Darkness, Enter the Void, and Dark Impetus Kingdom Hearts series Autobahn, Scope Eye, Monkey Likes Daddy (weird name), Super Monkey Likes Daddy (even weirder name), Grid Room, Speed, Panther, Remember, and Dirty Worker from the Armored Core series Challenge Complete, Energy Collector, Turn On, and Labyrinth of Death from Rachet Deadlocked Star Wolf's theme from Star Fox Assault All of N's theme songs from Pokemon B/W and B2/W2
  5. 121 Hmm, Fairy used to be my least favorite type, but after a while it grew on me. My least favorite type right now would have to be.......um....crap, I can't really decide what's my least favorite. I would've said poison, but my opinion on poison types have kinda been changing lately too, although I guess it's because they're more useful now since they kill fairies. Hmmm, I guess I'll go with rock. I only like 4 pokemon there. Them being Tyranitar, Rhyperior, Rampardos, and Aggron.
  6. 93 Oh....um, yea, I kinda ate it by the time I just read that....soooooo, um........sorry >.>
  7. 81 "Broccoli bad for Ed!" Cookie for anyone who gets that reference
  8. 50 Halfway there to 100! I keep getting some weird song stuck in my head every time I think of the word "halfway" >.>
  9. 48 yay, once again, we've avoided a crisis. wooooooooooot ^^
  10. 46 finally out of class, phew someone post, quickly, save us from the wrath of the reseters.....yes, that is now a word
  11. Like the pig said, poisoning it works pretty well. Another thing I do for it, is get a mankey to use focus energy, and spam karate chop. You will get a crit almost every time which ignores it's stat boosts from stockpile
  12. 25 I DEMAND JUSTICE ;_; Hopefully I won't get another professor like that next semester. I'll even join El's church of Arceus and pray. Arceus plz ;_;
  13. 22 Luckily sometimes time goes by pretty fast. It sure as hell felt fast for me semester.....unfortunately that has mostly been a downside for me cuz some assignments are just annoying and hard. Especially when one of teachers doesn't even teach the class at all >.>
  14. 20 Must.....resist....urge...to watch.....more.....almost done....with work for today Programming is such a pain, can't wait for this semester to end......just two more weeks left ^^
  15. 17 Ooooh, now I really wanna get to that point right now......but damn, I got so much stuff to work on first ;_; y u do dis to me college!? ;_;
  16. 9 Yeah, as much i hate to admit it >.> A game is no good without antagonists
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