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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 125 Whats scarier than that is Nathan from school. Fuck you Nathan from school >: ( Just realized the number of posts I have ends with a 7......sign of a disaster?
  2. 123 The scariest part is, that I was you and you became SKURLETON and wrote this!
  3. 121 Are we just Yash's dreams? oh wait, I shouldn't be speaking, he's awake 0x0
  4. This never played in Laws of Talos sadly. Kinda wish I knew where this song came from but oh well, doesn't matter, still love it
  5. 118 I was never born!? How could I have not known for so long? ;_;
  6. 116 Mentioning dalmations makes me want to rewatch 101 Dalmations. Also, I've never had chipotle, was never interested
  7. 102 omg, loved that movie so much when I was a kid < 3
  8. 99 aw c'mon, fine, I'll just get more electrodes to blow up.....I feel like Julia all of a sudden
  9. tfw you think your gonna get defeated multiple times by KiKi with a mono dark team but you win on the first try

    1. Shamitako


      *Semi-randomly starts humming "A Girl Worth Fighting For"*

    2. AeroWraith


      ah, Mulan was a good movie <3

  10. that seems like the best buff ever ^^ *cough* no its not *cough*
  11. 90 *sets off a massive number of electrode to self destruct* is it still quiet? ^^
  12. 86 @Link: you heard me Also, someone, pls, post quickly
  13. 64 @Link: You know? then you should uh, change your ways and uh.....not be mean ^^''
  14. 58 thank you so much ^^ I would've hid in my corner for eternity if we got reset there XD
  15. 56 this is true, also.....SOMEONE POST, QUICKLY, DON'T MAKE ME LOOK BAD FOR JYNXING ;_;
  16. tfw you're doing perfectly fine in lane then your jungler comes in with less than half HP to "bait", and ends up getting both of you killed by the enemy mid laner and jungler
  17. 94 oh wait, nvm, if any of those electrode get upset or something that happens to make them explode, there would be a giant crater in my neighborhood >.> well maybe I could catch a couple of Nosepass and have them use some electric type moves to keep the power going. They barely move at all anyway so might as well make use of them ^^ oh poor nosepass, it's sad that you can apparently only move a few inches per year
  18. 91 Can I just get a bunch of electrodes and use them for a generator? It worked out well for team rocket ^^
  19. 86 I hate thunderstorms. Power going out = bad time ;_;
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