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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 65 Tyranitar can take down mountains by just walking GG
  2. 19 oh right....actually, yea, scratch that. Is there anyone here in like mid 60s weather right now that I can switch lives with? ^^''
  3. Why must spring break come to an end? ;_;

    1. catman9222


      Because the world hates us.

    2. Shing


      Wait for the summer break. Only last three months.

    3. Hellsoul0


      dont worry you still got 102 hours left of pokemon <3

  4. 15 why does working have to be such a drag? Luckily my programing teacher didn't give homework on the first day back. Mercy is nice ^^
  5. 13 I miss spring break already, was so good relaxing without a care in the world ;_;
  6. 138 why am I up at this time, I should be dead tired. Its weird how I've been getting tired between 2 and 3 am. I used to get tired around like either 4 or 5 am. Although I have been going to bed at 1 for classes so i guess that explains why. Anyway.......ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  7. 132 *sigh* I can't believe my spring break is gonna be over soon. I like not having a care in the world and just lounging about in the house. Y does time go by so fast ;_;
  8. tfw you turn on a game you haven't played for a loooong time < 3

  9. 85 weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  10. 43 the small amounts of wubing will add up and distort the world >.>
  11. 12 yea, true ._. So, I think our goal should be the 700s and we all get bonus points for how long we last in the 700s. if we get there
  12. 160 rolling around at the speed of sound, got my gamecube back and playing the crap outta sonic adventure 2
  13. 96 oh wow, yea, if we get to the 700s that would definitely be the end for us >.>
  14. 52 PAY ATTENTION IN SCHOOL!! Unless the teacher isn't saying anything relating to your education lol
  15. I have a huge fear of bees/wasps. Well, most flying/jumping bugs in general, but mostly fearful of bees/wasps. I'm also a afraid of going on rides that go upside down. Went on one once, never want to do it again. Was one of the scariest feelings I've had in my life
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