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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 57 Captain: ok, tomorrow I'll be over there to deal with you!
  2. 55 Thread police captain: *talks through a radio* If I hear of any distortions going on, I will come back stronger Exlink D: < @K_H: WHAT HAVE YOU DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!!!!!!???????????
  3. 52 do I have to call the thread police again? >:I
  4. Starting to have some fun playing Cho'gath again. I just love noming on people's faces and getting huge. Also, I swear, almost every time I have a Jinx on my team, they perform extremely well. In this game our Jinx was able to get a penta kill.
  5. 46 @Dark: you don't have to give me a spare, I'll just go dive and dex nav some lanturns. I honestly never knew they could hold deep sea scales. WEEEEEEEEE DIVING also, I really find it dumb that you have to get certain mirage spots to get some good TMs
  6. 43 the red text of dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom
  7. 39 I need a certain mountain to appear so I can get a deep sea scale
  8. 25 I just get money occasionally from my grandparents. Like somewhere between 25-100 bucks. Can't remember the last time I got my money from my Mom. As for my Dad, he gives me money every time I go to visit him in NY, with some added bonus from doing some yard work. Also, thanks Dark. ^^
  9. 18 that reminds me of when my mom would always tell me to do good on tests if I wanted something like when I wanted to get a gameboy advance, she would say something like "oh well then you better do good on the next test you have in the class you struggle with the most". Even if I had money she wouldn't let me use it on games. It really sucks when parents put a limit on what you can get even though I know they're probably "doing whats best for their kids".
  10. hmm, who to buy, veigar or twisted fate? I can't decide >>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AeroWraith


      I already got teemo, and I'm just not interested in LeBlanc

    3. diana


      TF is a lot more fun than Veigar imo, sinply because Q is a skillshot. Plus TF doesn't have an annoying voice, and your burst is a lot more fun to pull off than just stun and spam your buttons.

  11. 14 @Dark: Ooooh thank you ^^. I'll be ready for trading tomorrow. Oh, and since I'm gonna give you a frilish with 5 perfect IVs, do you have any preferences for it like name, gender, ability blah blah blah does anyone else want frilish too?
  12. 10 aw phooey. Also, I'm gonna love getting typhlosion and feraligatr's hidden abilities <3
  13. 6 ooooh, time to get my favorite starter from the event then.....even though shell armor really isn't great for him but whatever, Samurott is my favorite <3
  14. 15 @Dark: Can I have an male adamant one named Octavio? @Link and Dhanush: don't wub, or else the thread will go to the distortion world again ;_; also, at some point, I'm gonna be giving out some frilish with 5 perfect IVs because I've been breeding some of them lately.
  15. 161 @Dark: ooooooooh, have fun with that : D
  16. 157 ikr. so many party members joining......we'll even invite the mods to join our party......jk no mods allowed in our club
  17. *leaves room to get a drink while dancing and listening to E.G.G.M.A.N* #gettingadrinkinstyle

    1. KingRyan


      not terrible. imo I love the intro, but then it kinda gets a bit worse. but anything by crush 40 is still good.

  18. 146 and Yami was apparently evil in season 0. or am I remembering wrong?
  19. 141 @Turbo: oh......thought there was an episode where kaiba stole yugi's grandpa and thought what Link said was what kaiba did......yea, I should get to re watching the original before I say anything else that would be stupid >>''
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