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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 138 Kaiba's greatest hobby: Stealing grandpas and turning them into cards. XD
  2. 134 well, might as well explain it in a spoiler box.
  3. HO......LY........BASS CANNON.........*dies from amazement*
  4. 132 Another line I keep remembering from GX is "CHAZZ IT UP, CHAZZ IT UP". Could not get that out of my head XD If I were to pick one character I could be compared to......it would probably be Bruno from 5Ds. "His kind and bumbling demeanor often gets him in trouble at times, making him pacifistic and easily apologetic". That's pretty much me lol. As for his more serious side, I can sorta fit that too. I would talk about that more but in case anyone here feels like watching 5Ds, I don't wanna spoil.
  5. 111 @Link: Yeah, see I think the reason why I don't remember much of the original compared to GX was because I saw GX more when I was a kid. Also, I loved Sonic X as a kid, too bad I couldn't see much of it because I was never up around the time it would come on TV. I just looked at whatever came on TV and GX came on sometimes whenever I got home from school. @Yash: nope, new goal, 2,000.
  6. 108 Should've asked this earlier but oh well. To people who've seen yugioh, what do you think of the other series after the original? I can't remember much of the original at the moment, gonna re watch that at some point. GX was ok I guess, then got better in season 4. 5Ds was pretty cool (CARD GAMES ON MOTORSCYCLES!!!).It's probably my favorite atm. Can't judge Zexal, and Arc V yet.
  7. 102 *gives up on program homework* been at this all day, and it doesn't even count for a grade....*sigh* time flies by too much when your glued to a book
  8. 78 I wish I could get cookies.....oh wait, I already have a jar of cookies in my house ^^
  9. 71 *died again from witnessing 70* I should really watch the Bonds Beyond Time movie at some point this week.
  11. 54 yup, just....so much purple and pink, with some yellow in there. all the colors I dislike, well, except for yellow
  12. 52 any shiny that barely looks different from the original are considered the worst. I'm glad pokemon like garchomp and gengar had a nice change of color when they mega evolve.....well, not so much for mega garchomp in my opinion (so purple >>'').
  13. 49 pffft XD. I'm laughing so much right now because one of my best friends just down right hates Articuno, more so the shiny version of it. I don't know the full story but to make a quick summary of it, she had a terrible time with it. Would've been hilarious if she actually joined Reborn and was posting in this thread. (she technically did join but for some reason doesn't care anymore) Congrats on the shiny ice bird ^^
  14. 47 hmmm, could use a second mewtwo, but I can't atm, doing some homework now. @Link: Your wubing will destroy us all.......again
  15. 44 stop wubing >> @Dark: Yea, it shouldn't be as bad. Still, it can be a mess at times.
  16. 41 yeah, midterms is gonna be fun, especially for my programming class >>''
  17. 39 aw jeesh, good luck with that part. btw, you said need rypherior right?
  18. 27 that face gives me bad vibes, especially when its comin from you
  19. 7 please don't, I'm still recovering from the distortion you caused on one of the pages >>''
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